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Thursday, February 02, 2017

The First Firestorm

That hysterical reaction to the travel ban announced Friday is a portent of what is to come if President Donald Trump carries out the mandate given to him by those who elected him.

The travel ban bars refugees for 120 days. From Syria, refugees are banned indefinitely. And a 90-day ban has been imposed on travel here from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Sudan, Somalia and Yemen.

Was that weekend-long primal scream really justified?

As of Monday, no one was being detained at a U.S. airport.

Yet the shrieking had not stopped. All five stories on page one of Monday’s Washington Post were about the abomination. The New York Times’ editorial, “Trashing American Ideals and Security,” called it bigoted, cowardly, xenophobic, Islamophobic, un-American, unrighteous.

This ban, went the weekend wail, is the “Muslim ban” of the Trump campaign. But how so, when not one of the six largest Muslim countries — Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Turkey — was on the list? Missing also were three-dozen other Muslim countries.

Of the seven countries facing a 90-day ban, three are U.S.-designated state sponsors of terror, and the other four are war zones. Clearly, this is about homeland security, not religious discrimination.



  1. Thank you President Trump for banning Refugees. Now please deport all current Refugees and illegal aliens in this country.

    Make America Safe Again!!

  2. I think the better approach is cut off funding, welfare, wic education benefits, free babies and medical, lock up employers who abuse the system. Hiring ILLEGAL CITIZENS without the proper documentation!! These systems are paid for by taxes! The government needs to stop paying for it! Help the truly needy without a doubt, but get a grip on the abuse! Let the charities,acorn,churches, libtards,clinton foundations pay for it. ANYONE BUT TAXPAYERS. Repeat Not taxpayers! Thats the real soultion. As for ISLAM. It a pagan vile lost so called religion. HELL bent to kill all christains, hindus, buddist,jews, atheist, gays liberals etc..basically except satan (allah) or die. So it makes perfect sense why the marxist,left,progressive,democrats and the lost lay with them. Because satan has their very souls and they are all part of this evil agenda.

  3. I don't care even if it is about religious discrimination when their religion requires them to kill us it should be outlawed. As far as I'm concerned they can bulldoze all the mosques, burn all the korans and send all the muslims home.

  4. 11:20PM & 8:12AM


  5. Go Trump! The more liberals I hear whining and complaining, the more I know we are winning.


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