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Saturday, February 25, 2017

Tales from the Far Left

ALERT FROM DC: A serious situation is taking place at the White House as the Trump Administration once again goes beyond the executive branch's powers and causes a major Constitutional Crisis!

It seems President Trump has dared to change the bathroom toilet paper from Scotts to Charmin. The change comes on the heels of the Kleenex boycott launched by Liberals throughout the country after last week's budge meeting catastrophe.

Several retailers plan to yank Charmin from their shelves due to Trump's apparent endorsement of the brand. The company's spokesperson exclaimed, "Mr. Whipple would not be pleased."

On the Hill, minority leaders from both Congress and the Senate are outraged by this egregious act by the Trump Administration. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have called for a temporary ban on all toilet paper in all federal buildings until a congressional investigation can be launched by Elijah Cummings to get to the bottom of this apparent constitutional crisis that's reeking havoc within the Federal government.

"We can't let President Bush just go around, picking and choosing whatever toilet paper brand he likes. That's not going through the appropriate channels," reflects the disgruntled Schumer. "We have specific procedures for important matters such as this...What Trump did is an absolute travesty to our democracy!"

'Grassroots' protesters are plotting several protests throughout America to rebuke Charmin as Trump's choice of presidential bathroom paraphernalia.

Just another day in Democrat Hysteria as they continue their Trump Deranged Syndrome.

More lies at 5, 6 & 11...


  1. With all the crap on Capitol Hill, they shouldn't ban toilet paper!

  2. 😂😂😂😂😂

  3. Make em use corncobs like we did in the good old days.

  4. Sid this from CNN or MSNBC? Both would love to have this type of news "break".

    What trash our MSM has turned in to.

    1. Okay maybe you should blow the cotton off your eyeballs. It's a satire based on the lunatic left! You can't get this from the issue discussed?

  5. I don't get this. Is it funny?


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