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Monday, February 20, 2017

Democrats Go There: Invoke 25th Amendment Unless Trump "Gets A Grip"

After questioning President Trump's sanity earlier in the week, it appears Democrats have found another narrative to cling to - invoke the 25th Amendment unless Trump "gets a grip."

With a growing number of Democrats openly questioning President Trump’s mental health.

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) in a floor speech this week called for a review of the Constitution's procedures for removing a president. He warned the 25th Amendment of the Constitution falls short when it comes to mental or emotional fitness for office.

Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) during a weekend interview with CNN’s “State of the Union” said that “a few” Republican colleagues have expressed concern to him about Trump's mental health.



  1. Sick of hearing like material! GIVE it a rest, idiots!

  2. A big BS, there is not one thing wrong with President Trump's mental health, it's just that that Democrats and liberals do not want one thing changed in Washington, DC. President Trump was elected and they still are whining and trying every way possible to now get rid of him. I understand they don't want anything changed, they have lied to the public and fed at the trough for many years and had their way and don't want any of that changed. They just need to shut up and go home if they don't want change to their wrongdoing.

  3. Well, unless Trump quits the job, I think the Dems are just going to be out of luck on this one. Read the Amendment, boys and girls, and see that you have nothing. Now put down your rattles and binkies and get dressed, you're going for a ride.

  4. Once again,the dems get it wrong. It has hillary who had the mental problems. Reverse psychology?

  5. so let me get this straight the idiots in the streets protesting are of sound mind, I think it's a little backwards right?

  6. Then they must commit the majority of Americans because WE the People voted him in and he is carrying out our request/ his promises.

  7. If Trump were gone, a more conservative Pence becomes President. No problem!

  8. Guess these guys have never watched "The Caine Mutiny" just because you don't care for the actions of the person in charge does not necessarily mean they're mentally incompetent.

  9. I agree Trump is crazy 1) he wants safety for U S citizens 2) he wants less govt regulations 3) he wants to actually create more jobs for America and not mexico 4) he wants more money in our pockets. this is crazy thinking isn't it

  10. Just another tirade and soon the straw will break the camel's back. Americans are growing weary of the continuous nonsense and the democrat's train is headed for a big crash come 2018.

  11. Al Franken questioning someone's mental heath? That's rich! Get real. That washed up comedian's mental health is the one that should be questioned.


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