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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Study: 15 percent of Maryland residents were born outside US

WASHINGTON — Four of the 10 most culturally diverse communities are in D.C.’s Maryland suburbs, and as a state, Maryland ranks among the biggest for foreign-born residents, according to a new study.

When ranked among smaller, independent cities, Germantown, Gaithersburg, Silver Spring and Rockville rank as the top four for cultural diversity, based on things such as ethnic mix, language diversity and residents born outside the U.S., according to WalletHub research. A smaller city was defined as one with fewer than 100,000 people.

When ranked among all cities in the United States, all four make the top 10.



  1. Remember when diversity was celebrated? It isn't here on the shore. You like to keep everything the same as it was 200 years ago huh

  2. Just visit your local WalMart. Look and listen. There are as many foreign languages spoken there as are at the United Nations meetings.

  3. send that 15% Back !!! Don't need them

    1. 10:42. We don't need people like you. 🙄


  4. Love to go back 200 years 10:31! Send them all back from wench they came or in your hood.

  5. immigrants used to come here as did my grandparents to assimilate ( last names were changed) and to work hard for the American Dream. My grandfather came here from Germany in the 1890s , sold newspapers and put himself through Johns Hopkins and became a doctor. Now immigrants come here and are given welfare refuse to learn our language and insist on elevating their culture and religion above ours.They need to go and we need our borders closed! Thank God for President Trump, he is right extreme vetting is necessary

  6. Yea, send back all the brilliant engineers,educators and doctors. Also, prepare for economic collapse when that happens.

  7. Wish they would leave

  8. Some of you are not only heartless but short sighted. The immigration policy as never changed keep the ones that produce and trim the ones that don't. I feel no different about this issue. Get rid of anyone not pulling their own weight starting with people here illegally.

  9. White kids are the minority in public schools in Wicomico county.

  10. White kids CULTURE is being Erased.....Fact

    They will grow up to be as Blacks and others want them to be

    1. What an ignorant comment!!! I can't believe what I'm reading..


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