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Thursday, February 02, 2017

Something To Think About


  1. So sad that the young people just don't get it , so sad that our political environment is so far left that the ignorance prevails.

  2. Ooh rah, to that! He's spot on and using logical thought. That's why the liberals don't get it.
    And thank you for your service and sacrifice for my freedom!

  3. I think that is the first report I've seen from "over there" in about ten years or more. It's good to hear from someone there first hand what it's like there. I wonder if they hate us because of the 26,000 bombs we drop on them every year?

  4. The real question is why the heck are our citizens in a country protecting these scumbags when they would kill him for protecting them?

  5. 1 hostage dead in de.

  6. Trump is right not only should they be banned from entering the United States
    120 days. They should be banned from entering the United States permanently.
    These idiot liberals and snowflakes think all these Iranians and everybody else should just walk in our country and be welcomed with open arms. Before they protest Trump they should go over there to Iran. Then if they make it out alive see how they feel about it. I bet they would then be behind Trump 100% especially if some of their relatives were beheaded for no other reason but being American.

  7. Exactly !! This needs to be on Fox news, maybe the Dems and haters for Trump will finally get it!!Why don't we send CNN and MSNBC news reporters over there without security and let them interview these wonderful people who want to come to America!! Lets see how many reporters survive!! NONE, Just saying!!


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