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Thursday, February 02, 2017

Senate Finance Committee Obstructocrats

Here is the list of the Obstructocrats who refused to attend the
confirmation hearings on Tuesday:

Ron Wyden (D-OR)
Debbie Stabenow (D - MI)
Maria Cantwell (D - WA)
Bill Nelson (D - FL)
Robert Menendez (D - NJ)
Thomas R. Carper (D - DE)
Benjamin L. Cardin (D - MD)
Sherrod Brown (D - OH)
Michael F. Bennet (D - CO)
Robert P. Casey, Jr. (D - PA)
Mark R. Warner (D - VA)
Claire McCaskill (D - MO)


  1. That one with the MD next to his name really needs to find a new line of work! Now that I think about it, they all do!

  2. They still don't get it do they? This is why we need to "drain the swamp".

  3. It never ceases to amaze me of the immaturity of some adults.
    The behaviour that is being shown is that of four to seven year old children when things don't go their way on the playground.

  4. Simple, fire all of them.
    They are too damn old to be acting like that.

  5. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 2, 2017 at 12:50 PM

    Carpet and Cardin, why am I not surprised? What constituents are they "representing" by being useful lapdogs of Crooked Democ-rats. They should have their paychecks taken away for not doing their jobs.


  6. These are YOUR senators.
    Call them and tell them what you think about how they're acting.
    They need to hear it from you since they are REPRESENTING you.

  7. How do we contact Benjamin Cardin? Anyone have an email?


  8. Call his office-- phone: (202) 224-4524

  9. What do you expect from them? Ben Cardin is 76 yoa and needs to be replaced. D stands for dummy!

  10. Fire their asses for refusing to work...if you can call it that.

  11. Hey Cardin you chicken**** scumbag. Do your job.

  12. I have never been a fan of Cardin. He is a eunuch in my opinion and a follower not a leader. Does he even know Maryland has an eastern shore?


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