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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Secret Israeli Operation Brings Tons of Winter Supplies to Syrian Refugees

A clandestine Israeli initiative has gathered over a hundred tons of winter supplies bound for Syrian refugees who have no idea that the donations come from the so-called enemy state next door.

Identifying tags and Hebrew logos have been removed from 3,000 boxes of blankets, coats, sleeping bags, gloves and boots in order “to protect the effort and the recipients,” a statement from the organizers of “Operation Human Warmth” said.

Jointly organized by Zionist youth movement HaNoar HaOved VeHaLomed, Dror Israel and the Combat Genocide Association, the supplies will be handed over to another aid organization that will distribute the items to the refugees. The sensitive nature of the mission means the exact date and method of delivery have not been revealed.

Gilad Perry, Dror Israel’s international collaborations director, said he was moved by the amount of Israelis – Jewish, Arab and Druze – who came together for the operation.

“I thought people would be reluctant to support an effort they would not get credit for,” Perry said. “I was amazed to see how wrong I was. The generosity of people just caring for those who suffer from the cold winter on the other side of the border, in an ‘enemy country,’ overwhelmed me.”

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1 comment:

  1. Tags and other Jewish stuff had to be removed so the fools getting free stuff would use it, I think I wouldn't give them anything in that case.


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