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Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Second Swedish Police Officer Blows the Whistle on Migrant Crime Cover-Up

"The public has to be told all the facts now"

A second Swedish police officer has gone public to blow the whistle on how authorities are covering up a migrant crime wave just days after another top cop was reported as a “racist” for making similar comments.

Last week Peter Springare, police investigator and former deputy head of the division for serious crimes at the police in Örebro, made headlines after he wrote a Facebook post in which he detailed how the country was in “chaos” due to a never ending epidemic of serious crimes being committed by Muslim migrants.

Springare may now face charges under Sweden’s strict hate crime laws simply for accurately identifying the problem after he was reported to authorities over the remarks.



  1. You really need to understand this is a global effort by forces that most dont fully understand. Read hidden dangers of the rainbow to at least understand some of the evil intentions.

  2. The corruption of government needs to be taken down. The good people of Sweden need to take control.

  3. Orwell was a prophet!

    A COP telling the f'ing TRUTH is now CHARGED WITH A CRIME!!
    The truth can get you a prison sentence now.
    Unless you are a descendant of Mao, that should scare the crap out of every free person.
    Think about that for a moment. the truth. used in the same sentence as "prison term".
    And Swedish polititicans aren't too far off the views of our own liberal, feel-good, everything can be free, loser leaders, either.
    Right now, the media and politicians SUPPRESS the truth. Soon, speaking it here will be punishable by you know who.
    Keep cheering.

  4. The world needs more of these whistle blowers to keep these scum in line. They cannot do what they do knowing that someone will blow the whistle on them. They cannot do anything alone.


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