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Saturday, February 04, 2017

Robert Reich Lies, Claims Breitbart News Organized Berkeley Riots

Former labor secretary and UC Berkeley professor Robert Reich claimed that Breitbart News helped to organize the violent riots that took place on campus in response to a scheduled event featuring Breitbart Editor MILO.

“I wouldn’t bet against it, Don,” Reich said, speaking about the rioters. “Again, I saw these people. They all looked almost paramilitary, not from the campus. And I’ve heard — again I don’t want to say factually — but heard there’s some relationship there between these people and the right wing. And the movement that is affiliated with Breitbart news.”

Despite admitting explicitly that the claim was not based on facts, Reich charged ahead in claiming that Breitbart News had an affiliation with the violent rioters that lit fires around campus and beat and pepper sprayed the MILO supporters who were waiting to get into the venue.



  1. The Libs can screw up on their own without anyone's help.

  2. Robert Reich is a mental midget as well.

  3. Why did the college tell security to stand down surely it would have been easy to make arrests and expose who these people are.

  4. All of their heads are exploding over Trump. Truly funny...but kinda scary too.

  5. Good God, sure is a lots of brilliance in the statement....."And I’ve heard — again I don’t want to say factually — but heard there’s some relationship there between these people and the right wing.

    These people that "hear things" then post it on MSM, Blogs etc., sure stir up a lot of BS. Can we say "FAKE NEWS" at the point someone utters "AND I'VE HEARD" because what kind of REAL NEWS says "I don’t want to say factually".

  6. Amazing how you can look at someone, they don't even have to speak. Creepy little fellow.


  7. Fake News for consumption by the gullible watching that worthless channel. Nothing would have been easier to do than for ex Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano's campus police to stop and arrest the perpetrators, and then their identity would be known, and if there was any basis to his fake news, his point would be proven.

    Instead, Mr. Reich comes up short, again!


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