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Sunday, February 19, 2017

Restaurants, schools close in ‘Day Without Immigrants’ protest

Upscale restaurants canceled long-standing reservations. Some ubiquitous fast-casual chains were closed. And teachers posted pictures on social media of their empty classrooms.

Immigrants across the country were on strike Thursday to highlight their importance to the U.S. economy to a new administration that has taken a hard-line stance on immigration policies.

The strike, spurred by a social-media campaign, calls for immigrants not to go to work, to avoid spending money and not send their children to school. It spans across all businesses, but it’s the restaurant industry — where immigrants make up nearly 23 percent of the national workforce, according to data compiled by the Institute for Immigration Research at George Mason University — that seems to be affected most by the strike.



  1. Take there names and let ICE know.

  2. Maybe this shows how ungrateful they really are for coming here and feeling entitled to get what the govt hands to them. I feel this should be message to us to cut them off and get rid of them for good. Coming here is not a right it's a privilege.

  3. This proves they did not come to the US for a better living but for handouts from US tax payers. If they did come here to better their lives they would be working and paying taxes instead of disrupting businesses. They need to exit the US the same way they came.

  4. Let's make a list Delmar pizza,

  5. This is also, for those who participated, a day without pay.

  6. Didn't miss them at work or at lunch....carry on

  7. List the Restaurants so I can boycott them forever! Let the public know!
    Word of mouth rules and we march with our money!

  8. Delmar pizza was closed today because of this

  9. When are you frigging idiots going to realize no one is against IMMIGRANTS? We are against ILLEGALS? ok? Illegals ARE NOT immigrants.

  10. Stupid protest. Why not turn off customers from going to Mexican restaurants? Same stupid mentality but this is what the reaction will be.

  11. If they come to this country legally then there is no problem. But the Illegals need to go!!!! Leave Trump alone I Am so tired of hearing everyone put Trump down because he is doing what he said he was going to do! Finally Someone is Sticking to their word, he said the illegals need to go, and I agree!

  12. Didn't hurt my business....we had a great day!

  13. Importance to the economy? Or detriment?

  14. Wow
    I really enjoyed going to Delmar Pizza too.
    Guess I am done with that.
    Not too smart on the part of the businesses. Lost revenue at a time when all cry no money.
    Oh well like the man said we don't dislike immigrants we dislike illegals.
    Just look like idiots supporting the wrong issue? DUH

  15. Good let the illegal immigrants go!! Now real Americans will have plenty of jobs..I hope it was worth it Delmar pizza cuz I got a feeling ur gonna lose a lot of business...idiots

  16. What was it for ? Nobody has done anything to hinder immigration.

  17. Immigrants are different from illegal immagrants and thats what americas trying to stop.

  18. No one noticed...LOL


  19. As others have noted, we are all descended from immigrants. And I don't know anyone who has a problem with 'legal' immigrants.

    The issue is how to deal with 'illegal aliens'. They may have come here without permission, or stayed after a visa expired, etc. They need to return home, and seek legal entry at our embassy or consulate in their native land. If approved, they'll be welcome.

    Immigrants are here lawfully; illegal aliens are not. Not complicated.

    No show-no call for work in conjunction with this activity = you're fired! And if I let anyone go for this, I'd be twice as diligent interviewing their replacement.

  20. Interesting the photos of near empty classrooms. Wonder what plans are in place for winning the "hearts and minds" of these future voters?


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