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Saturday, February 18, 2017

Promise Kept: Donald Trump Overturns Obama Rule Killing Mining Jobs

President Donald Trump signed a resolution today overturning President Obama’s “Stream Protection Rule” issued by the Department of the Interior during his last weeks in office.

Trump said the resolution would “eliminate another terrible job-killing rule” and would help save thousands of American jobs in the mining industry.

Miners in hard hats surrounded the president, and House Republicans who supported the decision joined him for the signing ceremony at the White House. Two Democrat senators were also present; West Virginia’s Joe Manchin and North Dakota’s Heidi Heitkamp. Coal state Republican senators including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.), Shelley Moore (W.Va.) Capito, and Rand Paul (Ky.) also attended.

“Our folks are so excited to have a pro-coal president and we thank you so much for being on our side,” McConnell said to Trump during the ceremony.
Trump said he intends to keep his promises to the miners who backed his campaign.

“The mines are a big deal,” Trump said. “I got support from some of you folks right from the very beginning, and I won’t forget it.”



  1. 1 promise so far and how many people does it have an impact on? The entire population of W VA is slightly more than the population of Philadelphia (1.8 million v 1.5 million). That is the entire state, not just the people relying on mining jobs for income.

  2. Regulation is not killing coal jobs. Technology is. This is a well proven fact if you step away from the half baked political tirades and look at what is actually going on in the industry.

  3. What technology is killing coal ? Obama said straight up he wanted to kill coal and natural gas. The reason he did that was because he and his cronies invested millions in green energy and hoped to make billions.

  4. 2:29 & 4:39 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????
    Just no words for you!

  5. 4:39 AM

    It's no wonder you stay up all night in mommy's basement. You don't have a clue what you're talking about

  6. Technology improvements in how we extract oil and natural gas has made it a much cheaper and cleaner alternative to coal. We have a surplus of oil and gas as a result. The cost of coal extraction is simply too high and has very little to do with regulations. Trumps promise to me he coal workers will be very hard to keep.

  7. It is very refreshing and promising to see a United States President actually keeping and acting on his campaign promises. Trump must be the only President in history that is actually keeping his promises and doing what he said he would do if elected.

  8. Liberal, Globalists politics is what was killing coal. Thank YOU President Trump for improving reliability and affordability for every one in America. Time to eliminate the massive subsidies for renewables to finish the job.

  9. Obama and his cronies invested in green energy, and Trump and his cronies are invested in coal. More poisoned water, more sick kids. Just like Flint.

  10. NO wall, ban on muslims, repeal of obamacare, welfare cuts, clinton not locked up, tax cuts???? What has he done? 3 weekends in a row in FL. Having trouble filling and retaining staff.

  11. 10:53
    In the month that he's been President, he's done more than Odumbo did in eight years.


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