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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Police Stop Giving High Fives To Kids Because It Makes Illegal Immigrants Uncomfortable

Police officers in a Massachusetts town are no longer allowed to give kids high fives as they enter their elementary school because it reportedly makes illegal immigrants and minority students feel uncomfortable.

Known as the “High Five Friday” program, police officers would happily greet children with smiling faces and an open palm to smack as they entered the educational institution.

“It was presented as an inexpensive (aka free) way for police officers to positively engage with youth in their communities and to show support for local schools. We loved the idea!” the Northampton Police Department announced in a statement Saturday. “Everyone was on board. Principals and teachers communicated the High Five Friday plan to staff, students, and families. We went to all of the elementary schools, exchanged high fives, and even snuck in some playground time with kids.”



  1. Screw the PC Libtards. Too friggin bad!! dont like IT LEAVE or behave and dont get on the wrong side of the LAW.

  2. Democrats will do anything to show support for criminals and law breaking. They will do anything to smear good as evil. Here, they force the stoppage of youth showing admiration for law enforcement with some bogus excuse about offending someone that shouldn't even be here to be offended. They have become brain dead to the point of self destruction.

  3. If the family were'nt illegals they would not be taught at home to fear a high fives from police.

  4. It's a sad time in America when a police officer can't high five a person because somebody might get offended. What's next no eye contact in public?

  5. If they are offended they must have something to hide.

  6. Since WHEn , does Illegal Immigrants tell our police what
    to do ???? or any of the rest of us ??? Nadda !!!


  8. Oh, we wouldn't want to hurt the feelings of those illegal aliens who need immediate arrest and deportation, now, would we?

    Yes, we would! Now, get on that bus! NOW!

  9. I think it's about the liberals wanting kids to be afraid of the police. And brainwashing from a young age that police are bad and coming to get you. Otherwise you would want the kids to get to know the police and see their is nothing fearful the facsit left have to keep the narrative going even if the pen is getting low on ink.

  10. illegals SHOULD be scared since they don't officially exist! Get in line, become legal citizens and then you too can have a high five from a LEO!!!!


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