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Saturday, February 25, 2017

Police body camera video shows traffic stop with councilman

BALTIMORE — A police body camera captured the encounter of a Baltimore City councilman who was pulled over in a traffic stop.

The stop includes questions about the consumption of alcohol.

Police released the body camera video Friday afternoon. It shows what happened around 11:15 p.m. on Feb. 9 near the 2200 block of McElderry Street.

Officers stopped the car because it had two lights out in the back and the driver ran a stop sign, police said.

The traffic stop begins with an introduction with the officer saying, "You got a couple of lights out."

"I'm Councilman (Robert) Stokes," the driver said.

"How you doing Councilman Stokes?" the officer said.

The officer further explained why he initiated the traffic stop.

"You didn't stop at stop sign. You failed to use a turn signal. Quite a few things. You've had a couple of drinks tonight?" the officer said.



  1. The COP needs to be Arrested for NOT doing his job on arresting the council member this help a brother out is BS.

  2. the police officer put the public at risk he needs to be fired.

  3. The officer removed the danger to the public without causing a scene or giving the councilman an opportunity to claim some racist bulls**t that would have followed an arrest. He also saved the city a lot of money and grief, while giving the councilman nowhere to go but to issue praise and to think about how much he drinks before driving.

    I'm good with all of it.

    1. How can he claim racism when the cop was black.

  4. Yeah. Right. Uh huh.

    Has ANYONE (in the 'we, the people" category, without a badge or a political business card) EVER been offered a "chance to park your car" and not get a drunk driving charge?


    I watched someone get a DUI 100 yards from their driveway. He didn't get any "discretion". CERTAINLY wasn't offered a chance to park and walk home.
    Wonder why respect for law and order is dropping all the time??
    Citizens hear "Law and Order!!" all the time, but don't have a lot of confidence when THEY go to jail and the connected go free.

  5. The Stoke family goes back generations in the Baltimore area. Most were politician who had/have a rather corrupt history.


  6. "Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."

  7. They've sure let the failed presidential candidate walk home or catch a ride.

  8. Anonymous said...
    The COP needs to be Arrested for NOT doing his job on arresting the council member this help a brother out is BS.

    February 25, 2017 at 11:29 AM

    He did his job. Didn't you watch the video. It was the officers discretion and they don't have to issue a ticket. Quit hating you dumb moron.


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