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Thursday, February 02, 2017

Nonprofit founder charged with bribing Md. lawmaker

WASHINGTON — The founder of a Maryland nonprofit has been charged with bribing a former Prince George’s County Council member and state delegate in exchange for grant money.

Felix Ayala, founder of the Salvadoran Business Caucus, which provides scholarships to high school and college students, was charged Wednesday in federal court with bribery and making false statements, according to court documents.

Prosecutors said Ayala paid former Maryland Del. Will Campos $5,000 a year between 2012 to 2015 in exchange for $100,000 in grant money, prosecutors said in court documents.

During part of that time, Campos was a member of the Prince George’s County Council, where he could dispense grant funds at his discretion. Court documents said Campos continued to accept the bribes after his election to the Maryland Statehouse.



  1. PG County needs to have its swamp drained. Governor?

  2. Once corrupt always corrupt. PG (now with a major casino) is still awful and politicians no it!

    Stay far away and don't let it suck you in!!

  3. Those $100,000 of grant money probably went primarily to "administrative fees" and in-crowd salaries and favors, not to providing services to youth. This calls for a full audit of the organization.
    This is far from the first time that PG County "charities" have been anything but.

  4. You wonder why this area is a sanctuary area in MD.


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