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Friday, February 24, 2017

N.H. eliminates concealed carry license requirement

It’s now legal to carry a concealed, loaded gun in New Hampshire without a license.

In his first bill signing since taking office, Republican Gov. Chris Sununu signed so-called constitutional carry into law Wednesday.

“It is common-sense legislation,” he said during a ceremony in Executive Council chambers. “This is about making sure that our laws on our books are keeping people safe while remaining true to the live-free-or-die spirit.”

The moment marked a GOP victory one week after the bruising defeat of right-to-work, one of Sununu’s top priorities. Republicans in control of the Legislature have sought to repeal the licensing requirement in recent years, but Democratic Gov. Maggie Hassan consistently vetoed the change, saying it threatened to weaken public safety.

Cheers erupted from dozens of supporters who crowded around Sununu on Wednesday as he sat at a long wooden table and put pen to paper. Afterward, the governor posed for pictures.



  1. And Maryland will not even issue CC permits to the average law abiding citizen. I think Hogan should be more outspoken about this issue and push the legislature to change the law. I firmly believe that it would help Hogan get reelected. Most citizens want concealed carry even if the democrats in Annapolis do not.

  2. Common sense prevailed in NH.

  3. All Hogan has to do is get with the MSP Superintendent and rewrite the requirements. Hogan will not do it since he has been elected. That will brought up again during re-election how pro-gun he is. LOL

  4. Hogan promised to do something about CCW during election and that is how he got NRA support but once elected his tune changed. I was very disappointed in this as it was the deciding factor in my vote for him since all the democrats wanted more gun control and passed the P.O.S. gun safety law of 2013. I feel he forgot what got him elected!

  5. 9:57AM Do you expect anything different than lip service to just get your vote? And as usual you and all the others fell for it hook line and sinker every single time... It makes me wonder, maybe you like being wrong, and stupid and having hardships put on yourself and others... You seem to not want to change, or make change so I would say you do like hardships...

    You people never hold anyone accountable, and every time the subject comes up "oh look kitty" every time... And now you are stuck with the 2013 gun ban for good, now the appeals court said it can stay...

    Also I don't see any single damn one of you, holding this mans feet to the fire, but you sure do like to get on here an complain about how you are not affecting change... Nothing but un-educated lazy fat asses...

    1. You realize that the appeals court decision is not final, right? That there will be a SCOTUS decision in the very near future...

  6. Most Maryland officials and judges are political no common sense used here.

  7. Time to get the hell out of this backwards state


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