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Sunday, February 19, 2017

Molly Explains Who She Is & What She Stands For

Joe Albero, just to clarify since you and your "supporters" don't understand the truth- this is who I am.

I am employed at Delmarva Public Radio as an ad copywriter (oh wow I do have a job, look at that)

I have had 8 poems and 1 short story published in various respectable literary magazines and I was nominated for the AWP National Poetry Award.

I'm a survivor of bullying and a suicide attempt. Yes, I suffer from mental illness (depression) that doesn't make me "stupid" or "crazy"

I am a survivor of rape.

I graduated from SU in December with a chord of honor for being Vice President of the german club (a language in which I am proficient)

I am a feminist, I did vote for Obama and then Hillary and I want to do something meaningful with my life. I want to help people, so I organized the No Ban No Wall No Registry rally because I believe in a welcoming and loving America.

My family supports the rally and has been a huge help in its growth.

I'm not the sad little girl you and your anonymous subscribers have painted me as with borderline illegal hate speech and violent threats on your blog.

Hide behind your computer and mock me and my family and my rally all you want, I just wanted to clear some things up for you next time you write more of you "news"

-Molly Likovich.


  1. No, you're just another brainwashed snowflake that can't stand the fact that someone disagrees with you.

    Nevertheless, I support your right to protest PEACEFULLY.

    1. I use to but I don't anymore. Because it's all Fake.

  2. Rape survivor k thats y she hates men ?
    also typical snowflake look at me i went through hard times ?? WELCOME TO LIFE i couldnt careless about u molly i care about real Heros that live and die for our country ie our military and first responders even your stupid agenda, not little radicals like u who are looking to destroy it GROW UP CUPCAKE.

  3. How bout go apply for permits through health dept also through mayors office you posted you asked for law enforcement but not permits to serve food so you are gonna protest obey by the laws

  4. Interesting that Molly identifies as a feminist but is offended by anyone making any slight towards her as female. Feminists believe in equality and we don't see many men running around being offended when they are dissed for being men. Want to be equal, Molly, act like an equal and quit the victimhood schtick. If you were a real feminist, talking about being raped wouldn't be a part of the discussion. Also, your lack of respect for older people is just amazing. You want them to respect you but you don't reciprocate at all. And when did it become "your rally?" Thought the protest was supposed to be owned by no one. Did that miraculously change. Sounds like girlfriend is trippin' on some power trip here. By writing this letter, you just demonstrated why people shouldn't even consider you for one millisecond as a leader. You're a cupcake that's yet to understand yourself much less anything else about the world.

  5. Very nicely said Molly, too often people act like trolls and make assumptions about others based on their own fears.

    1. Yes do help the snowflakes bruised ego...you are as dumb as she is

  6. Welcoming illegals into this country is certainly not "helping" the people of the United States.

  7. Molly, you and those like you lied to bring people and families into this country illegally, then lied to them once here, even lied to get them to vote, now you lie about protecting them. The sad part is your protecting no one and their law breakers...its even sadder you turn your back on the real American families. Its creating that voter base that makes you lie so much!

  8. I wonder how she feels about all the raped little boys and girls in Germany and through out Europe that the Syrian refugees she so openly supports and welcomes, has committed?

  9. I would be curious on your thoughts about Bill Clintons past treatment of women....an Hillarys willingness to accept it and even defend it.

  10. Her story may be true. Who's to say. But it's a common story among the far left females used for sympathy. Used so much now, it's very difficult to believe any longer. I do not buy a word of any of it.

    1. How about the guys side of the story anyone can scream bs.PROVE IT.

  11. Whats the old saying , put lipstick on a pig you still got a pig

  12. 12:05, Just to clarify, I never called Molly "stupid" or "crazy".

    This group has also called me all kinds of names on Facebook, this is their right and I have thick enough skin to handle these remarks.

    Our goal and intention here is to expose who these people are. If they want to protest MY President and fake charges, like Trump wants to stop Muslims and others from entering America, they are LIARS. Trump wants to stop ILLEGALS of ALL SORTS from entering America.

    Illegals are illegals who, (like many of these protesters) are lawbreakers. Hypocrites. These are not the kind of people who should be preaching right from wrong in the first place.

    My President says he welcomes humans of all sorts, as long as they go through the legal process to be here. Trump is no Racist, NOR is he a RAPIST, as Molly likes to believe.

  13. I am a survivor of protecting America liberals couldnt careless about America they have made this world unsafe with there Bs agenda ....Remember this snowflakes when the Whip comes down you better stay in mommys basement .

  14. Still doesn't negate the fact that she is a blatant liar by standing so proud with the sign saying President Trump is a rapist. Molly you can not take that back! By displaying that sign you are helping to spread lies about the president.
    Molly you are delusional! You are of your mind and no one in their right minds would ever believe for one second you believe in a welcoming and loving America when your actions prove you have a very dark heart.
    Take you BS elsewhere where the people are as dishonest as you are. It won't work around here!

  15. I do applaud her wanting to make something of her life that is worthwhile.
    I do, however, take affront to her being intolerant of others. She seems to expect everyone to bow to her wishes and philosophies.
    She needs to be mindful that what makes this country great is the right to be yourself, without being a bully.
    The liberal camp has become very intolerant, hateful, if you will, of anybody that does not go along with their beliefs/agenda. A few months ago, pre November, the liberal were all talk about being so tolerant of everyone; the November election changed them to intolerant, hateful people.
    This is much like the muslim belief that if you do not believe like them, then you are an infidel.
    Perhaps she is an only child that was catered to that has made her feel the world should revolve around her.
    Last comment: A smile goes so much further than hateful words. We won't alway, maybe never, agree, we can choose to be happy and content in the place we currently stand/sit.

    1. These idiots have been BrainWashed X 8 yrs.

  16. Delmarva public radio will never get my business..

    1. I have two companys in salisbury i guess i will put my ads elsewhere.


  17. Amazing how some gobble up the camera and love attention. While others run away from the camera and are satisfied being under the radar. Myself, I would rather run with the crowd of people that don't seek attention.

  18. #BoycottDelmarvaRadioMolly

  19. The perfect liberal. Works for a liberal media outlet that only exists because the tax payer is forced to support it. Is an "artist" because life has been so cruel to her she needs to channel the grief. Hates the country she lives in because of "intolerance", but I guess decided that Germany was so great she'd learn the language. That will be useless soon because thanks to Angela Merkel Germany will soon speak only Arabic.
    I was a little more liberal in my youth but even at my worst I knew enough that I would be embarrassed to claim any support for Killery.
    If it weren't for Hillary creating and arming ISIS to overthrow Libya and Syria, you wouldn't have millions of immigrants. You want free education and healthcare?! Guess what Molly, they had it in Libya, paid for by the Government selling oil! That didn't work for Hillary though because her and her friends didn't own the leader so she had Gaddafi lynched in the street, and the country fell apart.
    You think that Muslims, Latinos, or any other immigrant will only get freedom and liberty in America? This country didn't have freedom and liberty until we fought a revolutionary war for it. That is what people are talking about when they say "freedom isn't free". Instead of MASS immigration, we need to be done with politicians who make the 3rd world poor to keep their friends rich. That's how the Bush's, Clintons and Obama have made so much money.

  20. Molly you ARE a sad little girl! Sad in that you choose for whatever deranged reason to lie about the President. You are a bold faced liar and that is probably the reason for your mental illness. You are a very sad little girl. You live not in the way it is but the way you wish it were. For you to insinuate the President Trump is a racist proves you are a disgrace as a human being. That is a lie. It's not one bit surprising your family stands behind you. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree so standing by you only speaks to their immoral ways.

  21. Molly shut up sit down and suck it up. You brought this all on yourself. You are a sad little degenerate liar. Doesn't surprise me your family supports you. They are just as rank and scummy as you are. Your a LIAR. You gotta a lot of mouth now do tell who Trump raped you sad little piece of lying filth.

  22. "Boarderline illegal speech"
    Coming from a tool who only accepts one sided speech and anyone elses speech is met with violence FU DEMS your all HYPOCRITES.

  23. You know what little-"lady", there is not a person on this planet that has never been "bullied" in some way, shape, or form so that is a non-issue in my book. Rape, that's a different story and if it is true then I am sorry to hear that. All of the other stuff, BS! Just take a look at the world for what it is and stop playing the fool.

    Es ist Zeit, aufzuwachsen und die Welt für das zu sehen, was sie wirklich ist. Auch Präsident Trump ist nicht ein Vergewaltiger, noch ist er ein Bigot oder ein Rassist.

  24. Many of us are against letting our guards down for fear of being compromised as a nation and as human beings. We fought hard for those freedoms we enjoy, but are reluctant to give them away for something not tangible.
    Yet we see those freedoms being eroded by those who see a "bigger picture", and worse, a narrower one, each neither achievable or sustainable while those who seek to destroy us from without and within with violence, depravity and wholesale entitlement infiltrate the human ranks to steal what we have fought so hard and long to achieve. They come in all shapes, sizes and colors, and for most of them, their first and middle names are "Me".

    Enjoy the freedoms we have and guard them, so that they can be expanded, measure by measure, to the rest of humanity. Carefully plan and nurture those activities that will take us there in and with respect to what has gone before, and learn from history that the best intentions of the people can be subverted by the 1% who are always the takers, not the givers.

  25. why did you learn german molly are you a NAZI sympathiser ? u thought your type hated nazis ??

  26. Typical Liberal's they attack and when you respond they cry foul.

  27. I hope that Trump cuts all funding to public radio. If public radio can't make it own their own they should just shut it down. I for one would not miss it at all. The only ones that listen to the garbage that they broadcast are liberals.

  28. ""Boarderline illegal speech"
    Coming from a tool who only accepts one sided speech and anyone elses speech is met with violence FU DEMS your all HYPOCRITES."

    "Boarderline illegal speech" I know right. First of all this supposedly educated Molly should know there is no such thing as "illegal speech." You can't be hauled off and thrown in jail and charged criminally. It's a civil matter. Slander and libel which is a civil matter.

    Now with that in mind, if anyone is guilty of libel/slander it is Molly herself by saying the President is a rapist. Remember the MD blogger who was just found liable for saying the First Lady was a call girl. Calling people names etc is not libelous/slanderous but saying that someone engaged in a criminal act when there is zero proof of it occurring is most certain a libelous/slanderous action.
    I am pleased Molly and the others are frequenting this blog. They will gain some needed knowledge and maybe get to the point where they can be considered educated.

  29. Molly needs to understand that her lies are going to be challenged. She wants to make this about her and play the victim card. Your past has nothing to do with your Marxist ideology. If your past meant so much you would be completely opposed to letting mass immigration of Muslim men into this country take place with next to no accurate vetting. Muslims hate everything you stand for Molly. HATE it and YOU.

  30. The only thing she should be concerning herself with is why she lies. She's twisted in thinking her family truly supports her. If they really supported her they would be trying to do something about that lying she does. All they are doing is enabling her to continue on with her dishonesty which causes a stress filled chaotic life. This only shows they could give the proverbial rat's a$$ about her.

  31. Shame on delmarva radio hiring this fn idiot.

  32. Illegal hate speech. What a card. Go live in North Korea if you do not like how others talk about you. Kim may have enough laws for you to follow.

  33. Could Molly give some further information about the sign she's seen holding? I'm not at all sure what she means or who she implies is or was a rapist.

  34. Molly molly molly
    That sign your holding about my president will follow you forever EVERY time someone GOOGLES your name this will show up good luck in life smh.

  35. She can't have it both ways. She wants to have her views heard/accepted, yet she is unwilling to see another's point of view. If she doesn't understand why her poster inferring Trump is a rapist is so offensive to many (particularly in light of an impeached Clinton, who said "it depends on what the meaning of the word 'is', is"), she is completely clueless. Maybe she should take a break from poetry and study history.

  36. Dear Molly ,
    I think I understand your problem now , mental illness . I;m so glad you came out of the closet , now you can go back in.
    A study about depression " all people have suffered from depression at one time or another " . In your case I see it as an excuse to gain attention.
    I'm sure you'll get a little attention over this crap , also you said you had a job , that isn't even close to a job . sounds like you had a pretty normal childhood , for your family .

  37. #BoycottDelmarvaRadioMolly...It's going viral !

  38. Aligning with Obama and Hillary and the liberals still defines exactly what and who you are. Completely irrational and delusional and someone who has lost touch with reality. You have a right to protest and speak out about your philosophy. Fortunately your weird and fringe ideals and liberal followings are not supported by the majority of the American people. So do your little protest, once again you will be ignored because what you will be saying just doesn't matter. No counter protest is needed we have elected TRUMP and all your crying and complaining will not change that fact.

  39. Molly wants others to be victims of sexual assault I assume.

  40. As she claims to be a survivor of rape, I find it odd that she would hold a poster inferring Trump is a rapist. That is very damning with no proof. I also would like to know how she feels about Bill Clinton and his wife who tried to destroy every woman who "accused" him. Actually, we know that some of the Clinton accusations were true. Remember the blue dress?

    I'm not sure that Molly has a good understanding of history. Seems she is caught up in a moment, rather that using facts.

  41. Trump is President today, Tomorrow and will be after she packs up her circus on Saturday and rolls out. I'm dropping the Mic and walking away...

    1. I remember when the idiot obama did that about trump lol who is holding the mic now OBASTARD?

  42. I can only hope that none of your daughters, or sisters, or aunts sons or uncles or ANYONE in your family ever knows what sexual assault feels like and how it changes you as a person forever. To judge her for this is insane. You speak of tolerance that we should have for you...what do we get from you in that respect? NOTHING.

    1. I had 5 goats attack me when i was 12 is it true or not ?

  43. Molly says "I want to do something meaningful with my life. I want to help people,"

    If you want to so something meaningful with your life start by becoming honest and start valuing honesty. If you want to help people start by not trying to spread untruths such as President Trump is a rapist.

  44. Just wait until another mall or Nightclub shooting or a Marathon massacre attributed to terrorist that come here ILLEGALLY to harm us happens and see how they defend that??!! These public marches probably look like a pretty easy target for a terrorist attack to some of these ILLEGALS. OMG! What if that were to happen....God forbid what we they do?? March in Iran??

  45. Dear Molly, you claim "I want to help people, so I organized the No Ban No Wall No Registry rally because I believe in a welcoming and loving America." Why not start with the country you are already living in, and help those people? Look at the climbing number of homeless veterans, children and other various citizens who are suffering. Please understand that not every individual you want to "welcome" will come with good intentions. Unfortunately, there will be people in this cruel- YES CRUEL- world that are against US! This is why you are wrong and highly misinformed. Please open your eyes regarding to the actual things happening in this world. Try looking into perspective with this without wearing your emotions on your sleeve. Not everyone is going to be as loving as you claim to be. WAKE UP!

  46. The problem with feminists is they are perpetual victims. They thrive on their victimhood and use it for an excuse for everything they ever do: good, bad or indifferent. Molly, grow up and get a life. If you have a real career instead of hanging on to your past collegiate life, you wouldn't have time for all this crap.

  47. Molly, I am glad you like yourself but, if you once considered suicide, it doesn't sound like you really do. Clearly, to you, it's only YOU, YOU and YOU. Did telling the world what you think arouse you?

    I could not drink enough beer to feel attracted to you as an individual or anything else. You have too many chips on your shoulder and carry too much baggage, hate, and misery. When you move to Canada, I won't miss you.

  48. 1:41 excellent point help your fellow Americans and people who have defended the country. We have a huge homeless problem brought on by Liberal policies how about trying to improve the country instead of tearing it and the people down.

  49. Delmarva radio tut tut tut.

  50. My Gosh! Look right here in Salisbury!!! Homeless, Drug addicts, unwed mothers.......plenty of things to help with.....but no she has to be self righteous as hell and protests and cause problems in the name of rights that she already has!! Look at yourself Molly! You passed the test! You have the right to be who you are.....youre just applying it in the wrong agenda!!! How many women like yourself do you think lose jobs to these illegals everyday?? Your cause is REDUNDANT! WOW! Lets build the wall and if folks like you are still unhappy Im sure the Govt would gladly grant you a one way ticket across it. There you can live in harmony! Get a GRIP liberal America!

  51. Delmarva Radio employs facsit liars and bigots.

  52. I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like me!

  53. The only person in the White House who might have been a rapist was Bill Clinton as suggested by her scribbled homemade sign.


  54. Young subject seems to be working the system, getting what she wants. Attention, plus free ad to promote the trash she and her likes spew.

  55. This has just been a smear since the beginning. Don't like what people are protesting? Good. You have an opinion. Everyone has one. Move on.

  56. She states she was in "the german club" and also graduated from SU. Would not a graduate of SU know the the "g" should be capitalized? It should be "German" club I believe.
    And you are a copywriter too?

    I just lost a bit or respect for SU if you are a graduate of their institution.

  57. Left always start with being a victim or ridiculous question.

  58. couldnt careless about molly when is Al Sharpton going to be ARRESTED by the IRS ?

  59. I think this is a pathetic example of how ignorant this community is when a ridiculous article such as this garners over 75 comments and the article below:
    Lake: 'Permanent State' Destroyed Mike Flynn 'from the Cloak of Anonymity' -
    garners zero comments.

    Small town, small minds.

  60. Oh cry me a river you stupid ignorant little nothing. That you voted for clinton speaks volumes as to your corrupted immoral mindset. You claim you were bullied and raped and people on here are harassing you or whatever.
    You stupid skank. What do you thing clinton did to the women who bill sexually assaulted you filthy thing! She sought to destroy.
    And you voted for her???? You are a mental case alright. You are way more then "depressed" it seems. You seem to be an outright psycho who belongs locked up in a nut house before you poison more minds with your delusions. Shame on you and shame on you and shame on the scum that is your family.

  61. The one bab mcgrory is the one to keep an eye on. she has issues and no control over herself. they claim to be peaceful but she has anger issues and that means she could be dangerous. someone came on their site with a smart a$$ comment and instead of being 'peaceful" which means diplomatic the raging lunatic babs mcgrory becomes confrontational and engaging-not peaceful by anyone's stretch of the imagination. She can't control her skankiness and of course uses off color words and vulgarities.

  62. She won't dare address the bold faced lie she helped- and continues to help because it's forever online-spread about President Trump. She is a coward. Even all women that came out- with what I believe to be false accusations about the President-no one ever said he raped them. To call him a rapist is a bold faced lie.

  63. Facist
    AKA The New libs they wont learn until Islam wipes them out then its Too LATE.

  64. " Anonymous said...

    Young subject seems to be working the system, getting what she wants. Attention, plus free ad to promote the trash she and her likes spew.

    February 15, 2017 at 2:16 PM"

    It backfires on them and that is why Trump won. What's being promoted free is an ad to show how distasteful her type is. Pre election they tried protests, interrupting the rallies and it completely backfired. This too will backfire and more and more people will defect to the Republican party.

  65. This is the Big probçem with millinials when they feel a threat they cry pooooooooor meeeeeeeeeeeee
    look at what the bad people do then you see the TRUE snowflake Violence colors.

  66. "Jackie Wellfonder
    6 hrs ·

    Sending lots of love to everyone today! I also want to encourage you all, stay away from those particular blogs that are spreading the hate. Don't give them traffic. I've been dealing with them for years unfortunately, and I know what it's like to feel like you have to go there to monitor what's being said, but it's so dark, so ugly."

    Another lying delusional skank. I guess it's perfectly find and not "so dark, so ugly" to say the president is a rapist. These people are so disingenuous.

  67. 2:50 PM you sound a bit mental yourself.

  68. Whew! I'm glad she cleared that up. LOL She is rather full of herself, isn't she? She's one of 6-7 billion people on this planet, and she thinks we care.

  69. Dear Molly,
    I once looked at the world through your rose-colored glasses. Eventually you grow up and see things as they really are.
    That's not to say you get jaded with the world, but you look at it more realistically.
    Have fun, speak your mind, get a little taste of fame while you are young enough and energetic enough to do so.
    But please, please take care of that 'mental illness' thing you mentioned.
    It can destroy you.

  70. " Anonymous said...

    I think this is a pathetic example of how ignorant this community is when a ridiculous article such as this garners over 75 comments and the article below:
    Lake: 'Permanent State' Destroyed Mike Flynn 'from the Cloak of Anonymity' -
    garners zero comments.

    Small town, small minds.

    February 15, 2017 at 2:50 PM"

    Don't be ridiculous. You are ignorant. The backstory to this article has the very real potential to not turn out well and it's never good to spread false narratives. That contributes to misconceptions about people and ignites hate. While the story on Flynn is important it doesn't impact the community we live in as much as this one does.

  71. Molly, thank you for sharing your thoughts, providing clarity to your background and positions and for organizing this event. It's important to express your views under the freedoms of the first amendment. With that in mind, my son is currently serving in the armed forces to protect your right to free speech, a right he has sworn to protect. He doesn't protest or wear funny hats or say vulgar things on blogs or YouTube. No, he loves his country and chose to serve to give back to the greatest country on earth after graduating from college. He despises people like you who wipe their asses with the freedoms he helps to provide. He respects his country, his president, his mom, and women. He stands for the national anthem and he bows his head to pray. And he voted for Donald Trump. He does not respect you and what you stand for but is willing to die to protect your freedom to do so.
    Please realize how lucky you are to have the freedoms you have and to be a woman in the United States of America in this day and age. You have no idea how lucky you are. I really have no idea why you and your groupI think things are so bad and that Trump is an abomination. What has he done to you? Has he threatened you? By upholding the law, does that make him horrible? If a man hurt you, I'm sorry but, blame him, not the president or every other man on the planet.
    Get a grip on reality. The glass is half full.

    1. Thank you BUT the pos libs couldnt careless about your son they are cowards that are brainwashed by college radical 60s prof.

  72. This Babs McGrory is a genius. NOT! She posted a piece on FB claiming without immigrant labor the economy would crumble. Hardly. Wages would rise is what would happen. That's a good thing. That's what happened in AZ when they passed laws aiming at driving the illegals out. A lot of the legals who benefit off of the illegals (renting them rooms, using the child of an illegal as a tax deduction, etc) moved to other states. This caused an increase in wages. The best way for the economy to grow is for it to happen organically. This means without government interference like hiking minimum wage. Immigrants are bad for the economy because then workers have to compete for jobs. In a good economy it's the other way around. Employers have to compete for workers and being competitive includes higher wages and better benefits. Such the geniuses these no ban no wall people keep on proving themselves to be-LOL.

  73. You're not a feminist if you voted for Hillary.

  74. Yeah it's really helpful to people to say President Trump is a rapist when the fact is, no one has even ever accused him of rape, much less has he been convicted of the crime. Molly it is yourself, who hasn't an understanding of the truth.
    Be careful of accusing others of "borderline illegal hate speech" when you are without any doubts guilty of illegal speech. Calling someone a rapist when it is not true is defamation and that my dear is illegal. Just asked the blogger in MD who said Melania Trump was once a high priced call girl.

  75. If this was a trump supporter or republican in general, there would be people boycotting that radio station and calling demanding she be fired. I don't support that action, I'm all for her right to free speech and protest, but i know that feeling wouldn't be reciprocated

  76. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 15, 2017 at 4:03 PM

    Poor Molly with her issues and she thinks Protesting will make it better? Accusing Trump of rape shows her serious mental error in her thinking process. If she hold that sign 16 years ago in front of Bill Clinton WH, would be a hero maybe. Feeling depressed and have issues to cope with reality - Join Our Snowflakes & Crybabies Parade to Protest everything on this Earth, Yeah!
    Speak german, translate this Du Bist Eine Grosse Idiot, Molly Schickelgruber.

  77. Our country has laws that all must follow. Entering this country illegally is breaking existing immigration laws. What Trump is doing is nothing different than any other Administration has done. Except he is looking to slow the process so that proper vetting is done to keep us safe. That's the #1 priority of our Federal Government. And many legal immigrants are opposed to allowing others in without going through the same process they had to go through. Look it up instead of falling for the BS being spread by billionaires who have come here to improve their lives to the point where they can influence anyone anywhere in the world with their money to believe what they believe. Including you! Watch Joy Villa's interview on Fox News site and hear what loving America is really about.

  78. If this young self professed, mentally ill flake thinks Trump is a rapist, based on what is publicly known about his past, then it casts huge doubt on HER claims of being raped. By any definition of rape, Donald Trump is not a rapist. He has never been charged, or even accused of being a rapist. Many people with her disorder will make things up to get attention. Frankly, I don't believe her claim of being raped, when she calls the president of the USA a rapist, without a shred of proof or evidence. It is probably the same with her claim of being a rape victim. It didn't happen! She uses the rape word like others use the racist claim. Apparently it doesn't matter what facts are to these people.

  79. 3:45, I agree. However, it is the very people mentioned earlier today, (protesters) that refuse to pay their bills, have been sued and local businesses cannot collect what is due. This is what cost all of us as rates continue to rise for these deadbeat bums. Then they want elected officials, local and national, who owe the IRS millions in back taxes so these local deadbeats don't have to pay their bills.

    Remember, while many, (if not most) of these so called liberal graduates may in fact have degrees, do they actually pay back the money they borrowed in the first place or are they waiting around for a bailout.

    They are deadbeat bums. Pay your damn bills and stop killing us with your debts.

  80. Dave T: Molly, simple advice: if you want to do something meaningful with your life, stop supporting liberal kooks who believe in socialism and the harboring of radical Muslims. In case nobody took the time to inform you, since you are a supposed feminist, keep in mind that dogs have higher status in the Muslim world than women. So what your supporting in the so called "warm and welcoming America" might not work out as planned if we continued to let radical Muslims into this country. I'm also not sure where you have been over the past few years. But while I was struggling my ass off to make a living through the lack of leadership imposed by that idiot Obozo, who you supported, we have had multiple terrorist attacks here by Muslim extremists. Innocent people died and all that your boy Obozo would do is avoid calling it what it was - Radical Muslim Terrorism, while fast tracking to bring more of them here. Unvetted! How wise? This is only one example that clearly shows what you are supporting isn't good for this country. Give yourself some time and reconsider your thoughts. Please... Otherwise, stay like you are and you will be labeled accordingly as another liberal kook that is pulling this country down. You are not helping anything doing what you are currently doing, I can assure that. And no, protesting is not fashionable, despite what you might think, see or believe. The 60s are over, you were not a part of that movement or generation, get over it!

  81. Dear Readers,

    It seems that there is some concern (and pity) for this young lady and her following. I predict that if left alone, with no attention from the media or other sources, they will have no platform - my advice is to simply let them be and not denigrate yourselves to comment or engage them. Certainly there is nothing to gain from the propaganda they are regurgitating, and no reason to pay them any mind. I support their right to free speech and peaceable assembly but there is no reason to listen to their rubbish.



  82. Hey Molly "hate" speech is protected by the 1st Amendment. Man if I were you Molly, I would be at SU first thing tomorrow morning demanding my money back! You got hosed big time! A degree in creative writing should have at the minimum, included a cursory lecture on the 1st Amendment.

  83. Good point Joe. They could care less about higher wages because they want everything for free and just won't pay when they don't feel they want to. Sad world.

    Back to wages rising. There was the story out about the WalMart in ND? SD? can't recall, where the starting pay was like $20/hr or nearly that. This because they had to compete for employees with the pipeline and businesses that fed off the pipeline.

  84. Ive looked up her youtube twitter instagram etc shes been posting for quite some time i think shes a 15 min for fame person who really thinks this will give her some views i say #boycottmollylikovich when something happens at this so called event she should be jailed asap

  85. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 15, 2017 at 4:49 PM

    For All of those Snowflakes and Crybabies and Sexually Unsatisfied Middle Age Feminists, President Trump been in the office about 20 days. He Did Not Create Your Problems. The 8 years of "your hero" Barack did it, while you were asleep. But help is on the way. For those with depressions and hissy fits CALL 1 800 O B A M A !
    I'm sure Barack will have time in his busy vacation schedule of golfing to answer your call. Probably sitting on his golf cart sipping Sturbucks laughing his a$$ off. Or you can always go "Protest" downtown and make Fools out of yourselves.

  86. I see you point but it's so hard Paladin. I'll try though I almost would like the MSM to interview her in regard to what she claims is hate speech. I want to see if they are honest and ask her why she is calling President Trump a rapist. What are her thoughts on Obama and the ban he imposed, you know the one the American born Muslim Olympian was detained by.
    I have many questions that a real journalist would ask her and not one who is just a mere tool to the democrat platform that most journalists really are.
    An interview with her would weed out the posers.

  87. Tell the idiot she can help all that can fit in her house....that she will be personally responsible for their actions, she feeds them, supplies medical coverage and HELPS THEM get LEGAL STATUS FOR THE UNITED STATES!

  88. Well Molly since you seem to only want to follow the laws you want to how about we just stop obeying all of them. People can come into your home and do what ever they want. Rapist can walk the street because they didn't want to follow the laws. Thieves can walk into a bank and withdraw all your money from your account. Everyone can just do what ever they want to do and only obey the laws they wish. How does that sound? Yeah sounds about as stupid as you do for not wanting illegals OUT of this country. Where have you been the past 8 years? Why no protests about Obama deporting people? Why no protest that he didn't change the laws? Why no protest about Hillary and her lies or his husband who actually did rape people? You have your own agenda. Clean up your life and maybe you wouldn't have mental issues. It's your conscience telling you that you are doing things the wrong way!

  89. I want whoever has a dam megaphone please bring to this event to shut her the hell up

  90. Dear Molly, there was no need to tell us about your mental defect. It has been obvious for quite some time.

  91. Well I do feel bad if she is depressed but the way I am seeing it is she is causing her own depression. She for lack of a better phrase keeps on stepping in crap. And really! She should not be lying about the president! It's one thing to have your beliefs but calling President Trump a rapist is not true and takes away from your credibility.

  92. Well now , don't you just love the attention here. You say you have been raped
    but I never saw it on any judicial files. I do think that you are fairly attractive , but you have an ugly attitude that nullifies your looks.

  93. "It's your conscience telling you that you are doing things the wrong way!"

    Amen! It's God trying to show her she is on the wrong track-a track to destruction.

  94. Another college educated idiot, a degree and no common sense.

  95. This is rich! No wall no ban supporter genius Karen e Rayne claims most terrorist attacks in the US were carried out by white Americans citizens.

    "Karen E. Rayne Let's not forget that most terrorist attacks and school shootings in this country have been carried out by White American citizens"

    Really genius? What about Sept 11th? Pulse Nightclub 49 dead over 50 injured? CA? Ft Hood? Ft Lauderdale airport? OH state? The bombs in NY and NJ? the Bostom bombing? I can go on and on. the fact stands this Karen e Rayne is proving to be another liar by her own statements.
    She's a lecturer in English at SU. No wonder SU is such a joke. And if people don't think so they need to get off the Eastern Shore and see how it is in the real world. A degree from SU is made fun of by the real intelligentsia. Even the liberals at the private colleges make fun of and look down upon those in the public ones.

  96. Hey JOE, I saw that Marvin Ames { The civic center guy who had his stolen curtains come down on him} is going to attend the protest and spew his liberal racist hate monger and show everyone who he really is.

  97. 3:38 PM you couldn't be more wrong. This protest will have absolutely no impact on the community. If will be a memory as soon as the crowd disburses as it is with every other "protest" that occurs around here.

    The Flynn issue (and many other) is more far reaching than you have a clue, as can easily be ascertained by your comment.

    Small town, small minds.

  98. 3:42..Please Thank You son for his service!!!

  99. She need not respond. Her picture speaks a million words. She is a purveyor of half truths, omissions and lies.

  100. Hey Molly you got your free education why don't you put it to use and paying into the tax system so old people can eat ? It's time to put down your megaphone and pay your fair share you sell out !

    1. Good point Our TAX paying $$$ paying for these ANTI AMERICAN MUTTS it needs to End.

  101. You gotta be kidding 5:36. Use your head. Many would like to see Salisbury turn red. This could have a huge impact though I doubt it on the community. If it stays blue Sby will further deteriorate into just another cesspool of crime and poverty like every single other democrat stronghold. This is something the community needs to be involved in to make sure they don't poison more minds.
    And trust me I have a clue. Oh trust. One thing you can be assured and without any doubts is and that I have forgotten more just about every topic imaginable they you could ever hope to know.

  102. These fools are All going to be video taped Trust me.

  103. She is a typical left fascist hypocrite.... she is FAKE NEWS.

  104. The anger and bitterness in these comments is amazing. Seems everyone has to have their pound of flesh from this young woman. Joe, at least some of what you say makes sense. I don't agree with all of it, but it seems to be written with some thought behind it. Just agree to disagree. You don't want the march downtown, don't go to the march downtown. Start a march of your own in support of what you believe is right.

  105. 5:55 PM Hey clueless. Wicomico voted for Trump. He won MD because of Baltimore. All other counties were Trump.

    Small Town, Small Minds

  106. Molly you may love the Clinton's and not giving up because they LOST. Let me fill in a few things you may not have grasped. When Bill was in office he had an affair with a young staffer, he used her degraded her, denied it ever happened then finally admitted it. He and his wife left the White House and claimed they could not afford to buy a house in NY. The hid millions in their own foundation, staffers to both Bill & Hillary multiple ones have committed suicide so we are to believe, others have just out right disappeared. In Bengazi when our headquarters were being attacked 4 Americans were killed and repeatedly calls made to Hillary for HELP were never answered. And then there were the E-mails on her server info going to our enemies and the poor thing being an attorney herself and holding one of the highest offices in this country DID NOT KNOW WHAT SHE WAS DOING!!!!!!!!!! bite it Molly.

  107. LOL 5:55 PM Our county voted red in the last election. Another mindless misinformed keyboard warrior.

    They are exercising their rights. Dont like it dont participate and find better things to do with your time. It will be a distant memory as soon as it is over.

  108. What a WOMAN! President of the German Club?!?!?!?! Between this and doing Ad Copy, I can't decide how you are doing ANYThING for mankind that even your family would be impressed with. Poems? Wow! You can make words rhyme? Even more talented than I expected. I'm amazed that you were even able to get INTO college or stayed out of the mental ward. You did do some time talking from the couch didn't you? I am genuinely surprised that your ranting even got published on this blog.

    1. Because its funny and shows you what the lefy is About.

  109. One thing that I do not understand: Your sign says that you do not want a rapist in the White House, but you wanted to put in an alleged rapist in Bill Clinton into the White House where he would have not oversight as the first husband. So hypocritical.

  110. "Anonymous said...

    5:55 PM Hey clueless. Wicomico voted for Trump. He won MD because of Baltimore. All other counties were Trump.

    Small Town, Small Minds

    February 15, 2017 at 6:23 PM"

    Hey Genius. Where do you see Wicomico???? You don't! I said Salisbury and FYI the majority of the votes for Clinton came from the Sby precincts of the 58 precincts in the county. She won some of the precincts. Also if we are talking county there are more registered democrats in the county.
    And no he didn't win because of Baltimore. Baltimore is just about a non issue anymore because of a big decrease in population. AA usually cancels out Balto city for the past few elections except this time it was Frederick and Carroll. Trump lost MD I am assuming you mean. And NO not all other counties were for Trump except Baltimore. He lost AA, PG Montgomery, Charles, Howard, Balto county and Balto city.
    The cancel out factor is why the lower shore has to enlist and retain republicans. The more we get the more we can cancel out votes from more populated counties.

    No clue No brain

  111. Dear Molly, I really want to help you if you'd be willing to listen with the open mind that you portray yourself to have.

    First, you shouldn't pat yourself on the back for working at a news organization paid for by a liberal government (and liberal donors) whose main goal is to spread fake news. The amount of hours you put in there may be part of the reason you're protesting President Trump. Come up with your own thoughts.

    Secondly, most of the greatest writers in history pen names for many reasons but primarily because their work is so personal. Your glorification of your own writing screams of arrogance and your lack of intimate writing skills. Did you get a trophy... nah-probably a ribbon, right?

    Thirdly, the majority of women (more than 80%) that have been raped keep it a secret. And FBI stats show 8% of rape accusations are false. Which means you would be in the extremely rare category of the 10% or so that make it "news" to either go after the rapist or use it for the victim card. Knowing liberals like I do, I'd say you need a victim card.

    Finally, the only bullies I've ever met are full of rage and entice others to join them in their attacks of violence against their victims. Ironically identical to the President Trump protests. You're not outsmarting anyone on this blog by calling it a rally... that term only worked with the City.

  112. Molly molly molly......
    Why do you need the cops at your bs meeting if your preaching Love ? the cops hate your ass too trust ME.

  113. Girl, get the help you need. Your rants and hysteria make you sound ridiculous. Anyone who would take you seriously (not aware of your history) would take you at face value, a far left wing moonbat.

  114. She is just one of many reasons I voted for our current President.

  115. She calls President Trump a rapist. so she is saying the he raped somebody. she claims that she was raped. Now she falsely said that President raped somebody so then she is lying about the person that supposedly raped her to? She expects us to believe it when she says that they raped her. Sorry but if you lie about one being a rapist then she most likely lied about that poor guy to.

  116. Typischer liberaler Nazi!

  117. 7:07 PM lordy lordy. The bury is in the county and the county was red. Your whole reaction is just a froot loopy as Miss Molly. Two peas in a pod.
    Oh no the sky is falling the sky is falling!!

    Wicomico County
    CLINTON: 16,327
    TRUMP: 20,832

    Since the bury is the biggest populated city in the county I would say your rant holds no water. Of course she is going to win a precinct or two. No friggin kidding.

    Small town, small minds and you are the epitome of that sentence.

  118. 7:07
    17 counties voted red
    7 counties voted blue

    Stupid Twit.

  119. I have never been to college but I identify as a brain surgeon. anyone want a free brain surgery let me know.

  120. I can't understand someone who is such a loser in life how they think they deserve so much attention.
    Molly is definitely a BIG TIME Loser and has not accomplished much in life. I am 60 years old and have worked my tail off, paid my fair share of taxes, contributed to society and then someone like Molly comes along and think the world owes her everything! LOSER!!!!!!

  121. "Anonymous said...

    She is just one of many reasons I voted for our current President.

    February 15, 2017 at 7:39 PM"

    You and many others. The mass exodus of democrats who voted GOP causing the biggest presidential upset in history can be blamed on these "protesters." People don't like their shenanigans. We think they are unhinged now wait until the midterms. While they are out protesting and busting up stuff, interrupting people's lives etc the GOP is again quietly out working on their ground game. On the state level The GOP now controls 68 of 98 state legislative chambers the highest in history of the party. GOP holds the governorship and both houses of legislature in 23 states and hold governorships in 31 states. In Congress GOP has to hold on to 8 seats, dems 23. Many of the dem seats are in states Trump won. There are about 10 dem seats that could very well flip.

  122. This fluffy nonsense is why, after 30+ years as a (D), I left the party in 2016.

  123. Just a bunch of blah blah. I still find her offensive. Even those who came out accusing the President after the tape was released not one accused him of rape. Typical how she completely ignored that. It's one thing to have beliefs but another to out and out lie about the President. No wonder she's depressed. Anyone would be if they didn't know the difference between truth and fiction.

  124. We bikers will be there are the ABOVE 145 commenters ?

  125. Hey, Joe, do an interview with her. That would be great!

  126. She and their brains are full of Balloon Juice

  127. If you define yourself by the worst thing that ever happened to you than you will stay right in that terrible place, unless your victimhood is your identity and in that case you have become no one.

  128. Dear Molly,

    Grow up and get over yourself.
    I was molested when I was a little girl, and also had to deal with being bullied growing up. These things still bother me today, even though I am in my 50's. But times were much different when I was growing up, than they are now. After watching how today's kids are acting, I am so glad that I grew up when I did. I am much older than you are, and I can say that the last 8 years of watching Obama let this wonderful country go down, has sickened me. I voted for Trump, because I pray that he will be able to make this country strong again. I feel that anyone that doesn't like President Trump, just leave. Move to another country and see if it is any better than what you have here.

  129. So can someone explain this logic to me? You call Trump a rapist? He has never been accused of rape, but we decide he is based off a sound bite from over a decade ago that may or may not be true. You voted for Hillary Clinton? Her husband has been accused of rape and was actually impeached from the Presidency due to sexual misconduct. Hillary defended Bills actions. How does that even make sense? You call Trump a rapist because of something he said, yet are ok with voting for the wife of a known sexual abuser of women??? Please explain this logic to me.

  130. Miracle Molly and Natty delusional have both put their heads back in the sand for a while...probably need to regroup! Hope for warm weather on Saturday snowflakes...you will be just water in the gutter then

  131. 9:50AM
    "Is this Molly ?fu."

    What comment are you referring to?

  132. Sounds like Molly just needs to visit other countries, to see just how much her kind is not wanted.

  133. Molly told me that the next rally would be unannounced and bigger.No advance notice whatsoever.

    1. She might get locked up. Maryland requires a permit to assemble

  134. Hey sweetie Bill Clinton is a rapist and Hillary protects rapist aka her husband.... Not sure why you think Trump is a rapist

  135. Molly's folly was a flop they were clearly outnumbered. It's funny watching them try to claim the Trump crowd as mostly there's.


    I would be willing to bet there are quite a few things SBY News readers/posters have in common with those who rallied against President Trump's policies. For instance...

    - That America and the world in general are under threat by extremists using their religion as a cover for more nefarious objectives.

    - That America is historically a nation of immigrants and that immigration is not at its core a bad thing.

    - That America is worth respect and devotion, despite the fact there are disagreements on politics, society, foreign policy, interpretation of the Constitution, etc.

    - That the rights clearly and indisputably guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are sacred and should be protected.

    - That Thomas Jefferson's statement "All men are created equal," is applicable to all humans. Not just "Americans," or "free White Males," or "Christians" or any other subgroup. Human beings - as a whole - are CREATED equal.

    - That hate is not a viable basis for domestic or foreign policy.

    - That - as both the Christian Bible and Abraham Lincoln said - a house divided against itself cannot stand, and - as a result - there is more to be gained by acknowledging and leveraging what binds Americans together as Americans than what separates them.

    - That compromise - not extremism of the left or right - is the basis upon which America will remain the greatest nation on Earth.

    I realize this is a pretty radical thing to suggest...though it shouldn't be. Yesterday's protests (both pro- and anti-Trump) in downtown Salisbury were legal, legitimate, peaceful (thankfully), and exercises in free speech. Yea America! Well done. At the same time, I feel compelled to ask...were any minds changed? Was progress made? Positions were stated. Opinions were expressed. Rights were exercised. Great! Fine! Bravo!

    My questions is: Are we - as a whole - any better off? Could the energy expended on the rallies, and the expression of thoughts and comments by BOTH sides (here and in other forums) been better spent on finding areas of commonality, agreement, and compromise?

    What was gained?

    So, the challenge - at least in my mind - is to find that common ground, gather upon it, and build outward and upward from there...strengthen America...before the "house divided" that is currently the United States of America does indeed fall upon us - conservatives, liberals, centrists, Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Christians, Jews, Muslims...ALL of us- while we continue arguing.

    Debate is not a bad thing. Action among those who can find common ground and improve America is ever better.

    I don't expect us to all sit in a drum circle or be sharing Coca-Colas and singing on a hillside or sing Kumbaya together around a campfire. At the same time, I think - as Americans (which most of us are) - we can do better.

    Are you up to the challenge?

  137. The problem is that the protesters twist and lie about what Trump's executive order was to scare people into listening to them. Trump wanted to know who these refugees are that Obama allowed to stream into our communities. If they are going to give them money from my income I want to know that they don't want to come here and kill me, I think that is reasonable.

  138. Molly should move to Sweden or New Zealand. She'd be a lot happier there. What is most intriguing is why would a rape victim promote being in an environment where rape is assured? Make sense?

  139. Sorry, "My questions ARE." How embarrassing.

  140. Molly doesn't mind actual rapists in the White house like Bill Clinton.

  141. It's easy to have these radical ideas when you live with your parents

  142. 829am, there should NEVER be compromise to lies and liars. Each and every time, the lies should be admonished and the liars tarred and feathered, whether its molly and friends or a politician or government employee.

  143. 10;38,that's 90% of democrat women.

  144. People are not "nominated" for the AWP National Poetry Award, they submit their work for consideration. One winner is chosen annually for the $6500 scholarship prize. There are also three $500 "scholarships" to attend writing workshops and the like held by AWP, those monies held by AWP as down payments to attend. Each poetry submission requires a $10 "reading fee". There is no limit to the number of submissions, so long as the $10 check accompanies each.

    It appears that this young woman sent one or more submissions and a $10 check for each one to AWP to enter the competition, and was not one of those chosen by the organization for further consideration in that given year.

    Hats off to her for joining the competition, but not so much for claiming that her work was "nominated" for anything, because it wasn't.

    Add this to her claim of being a writer for NPR (later withdrawn as a "typographical error",) and it's clear that she has some issues with telling the truth without being closely monitored by those who expect it.

  145. We're all liars. Every single one of us. Just as we are all imperfect.

    That kind of narrows the number of people with whom we can compromise if being either a liar or imperfect disqualifies you.

    Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, friends.

  146. Roses are red violets are blue Molly likes to associate with with radical's who cut the heads off Jews...Where's my AWP National Poetry Award ?

  147. The only clarity her statements make is that she has mental issues and needs counseling. Her life is full of caous, lots of confusion and immaturely, exactly what is needed for liberals to use to promote their irrational thinking. Maybe this is her cry for help, if you are her friend help her to seek counseling.

  148. Molly threatened to sue people using free speech...Typical leftist Nazi.

  149. Wait. This chick says she's bi and she wants radical islamic terrorists to take over the country? Has she heard she would be a double whammy for them. Not only a woman but also gay? WTH is this girl's problem?

    1. Isnt that Treason to wish your govt to be taken over ?

  150. Stand up for what you believe Molly. No matter the opposition.
    Something tells me you didn't need me to tell you that.
    God bless you.

  151. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Delmarva public radio will never get my business..

    February 15, 2017 at 12:31 PM

    Lol. I don't think PUBLIC RADIO will miss ' your business'


  153. Is this all that's left of the DONDI cartoon?



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