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Monday, February 06, 2017

MILO Security Coordinator: Berkeley Police Had a ‘No Arrests Policy’

Breitbart Senior editor MILO appeared alongside his tour security coordinator Tej Gill on Breitbart News Daily hosted by Breitbart Editor in Chief Alex Marlow to discuss the riots at UC Berkeley and the inaction of Berkeley Police Department.

Marlow: “We’ve got Tej Gill here in the studio who’s been running security for MILO’s tour, which is easier said than done. He’s a Navy SEAL, you’ve heard him on the show a few times talking about various issues with Steve Bannon back in the day. Tej I wanna get your thoughts on all this and what kind of environment does this create for someone like you who makes his living in security, when you’ve got your client being called all of these horrific names, saying he’s literally orchestrating a hoax so his own followers get harassed and attacked, get bloodied, get beaten at his own events.”

Tej replied, “it creates a dangerous environment. The only thing that this guy [Berkeley Professor Robert Reich] said that’s correct is that these guys were not students, the guys in the black, they’re anarchists from out of town. They’re the same people that shut down UC Davis, they’re the same people that created chaos at University of Washington in Seattle.”

"..They look like ISIS when they march in. They’re organised, well funded, I wouldn’t go as far to say well equipped but I was standing up top with the police when these guys marched in and we’re getting reports that anarchist are 4 blocks away, 3 blocks away, 2 blocks away, they’ve got bats, they’ve got weapons. They actually had shields with them, every other one had a shield that was about 3 foot by 6 foot covered in back trash bags, I don’t know what it was made out of. But they walked into the campus, single file like a military unit, cut straight through the crowd about one row of people back behind the barriers and the surrounded the building.”

Much more here


  1. "..They look like ISIS when they march in. They’re organised, well funded,"

    Don't worry, they are ISIS and well funded. That is why their faces are covered and they get the little pansy snowflakes to join them because they are too stupid to think for themselves.

  2. Sounds like Salisbury University.

  3. I want a safe space to protect me from protesters.

  4. I wish I had an ar to just mow them down. It would have been fun, but illegal.


  5. Time to just blow the place up. I mean, what purpose does it serve that benefits American Humanity?

    None that I see...

    Any takers out there to contribute a thought?


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