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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Middle School Reduces Bad Behavior Dramatically With ‘Reverse Suspensions’ That Invite Parents to School When Students Misbehave

Administrators at one West Virginia middle school have introduced a new disciplinary alternative to traditional suspension that they believe could be more effective in reforming troubled students.

At Huntington East Middle School, non-violent, non-verbally abusive behavior is handled by offering parents the option of a “reverse suspension.”

In a reverse suspension, instead of sending a child home, the student’s parent is invited to come to school and spend the entire day by his side.

“When we started combining schools we had a lot of kids getting in trouble and getting suspended,” school parent partner Stephanie Powell told WOWK-TV.

Huntington East Middle School student Justin Young shared how the policy has worked for him personally.

“I was suspended multiple times last year. But this year, not once,” Young told WOWK.



  1. The major part of the problem with most of these kids is a dysfunctional parental structure.

  2. Great idea in theory...but what happens when the parent is as bad as the student?

  3. Dear Readers,

    In theory, presenting parents a choice for a reverse suspension sounds appealing. However, I caution that many times parents can become more disruptive. We have repeatedly seen several individuals and 'organizations' that present video footage of various events, and do so completely out of context to create their own narrative. In this setting, school officials would indeed be inviting trouble, and I would caution anyone advocating for this to carefully think this through prior to implementation. Knee jerk reactions to a Sunday football game are one thing, but to do so in the educational arena could prove to become an issue unforeseen.



  4. 12:04 First, there are a lot of kids that know how bad their parents act and don't want to be seen with them. Second, there are always failures. Those cases go back to out of school suspension.

    1. Who are you kidding? Most of the "bad" kids' parents
      a) swear their kid is an angel,
      b) treat school (and after-school) as a babysitting service,
      c) find every excuse in the book as to why their child is a 'victim',
      d) don't want to be bothered,
      e) teach them the behaviors at home
      ...shall I go on?

      And you want to add grown adults with bad-attitudes into the classroom environment? Are you NUTS! These are the parents of kids who cuss and assault their teachers without a second thought!

      And the school doesn't fail kids anymore. They pass them off....to the next teacher, the next school, the next county, the next state or the justice system!

      Throw their butts out of the school environment like we used to. No more coddling...all this kid-glove crap is setting them up to FAIL when they enter the expectations of the real world!!!!! (Unless they are true THUGS who plan on living that life!)


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