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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Michael Flynn is said to have resigned as President Trump's national security adviser, facing accusations about his dealings with Russia

Michael T. Flynn, the national security adviser, resigned on Monday night after it was revealed that he had misled Vice President Mike Pence and other top White House officials about his conversations with the Russian ambassador to the United States, according to a source close to the Trump administration.


  1. Of course the media is having a hay-day with this. But the bottom line is Flynn did not break any laws. He did break the trust of his boss. That's why he resigned. Hacks like Al Franken want him tarred and feathered......for what????

    1. He actually quite likely violated the Logan Act. Even though we've never prosecuted anyone under it since its adoption in 1799, it would maybe still technically be "breaking the law."

      Either way, really not a good look less than a month in.

  2. Sorry to see this. However, he becomes a liability not being forthcoming with the truth. The sad fact is this is nothing the left hasn't done before but because of the biased media no one was informed of those transgressions.

  3. 9:24 It is illegal for a private citizen to act as a diplomat for the US. He was technically still a private citizen when talking with Russian diplomats. So he did do something illegal.

  4. Shouldn't have resigned. Good man.

  5. when trump or his minions commit open treason its always ok because of Benghazi....


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