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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Melania Trump: White House public tours to resume March 7

WASHINGTON —Public tours of the White House are scheduled to resume on March 7.

The tours had been temporarily suspended during the change in government and the beginning weeks of President Donald Trump's administration.

But first lady Melania Trump announced Tuesday that the popular tours will resume early next month.



  1. I guess they got rid of the fried chicken smell.

  2. Bet those Anti-Trump Morons and idiot Liberals come on those to wreak stuff.

  3. Took a long time to get that stink out of the place.

  4. I better hurry before she bedazzles the whole place.

    1. 2:53. Nope. She's got her gold bucket of paint.

    2. Better than Obama putting his feet up on the WH desk he is was and is a classless pos.

  5. 12:32 And you claim that you're no racist?

    1. I am a racist and proud of it, as is BLM
      The black panthers BET, Ect ect so whats your point ?

  6. Maybe she'll do the tours naked... that would be cool.
    I hear she will not move in to the Whitehouse until they install a pole.

  7. Get over it 7:39. You know the reason she isn't moving in just yet is because of her child. Speaks much to her character. She's a mother first. The Obama's should have been even 1% of the parent she is. The obama's are piss poor examples of parents. Dogs make better parents then the obamas. Good parents who actually love their children don't lie. It only teaches children lying is acceptable. To Obamas the children are only pawns to be brought out when they need them politically. They might fool you but not me.


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