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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Melania Trump attacked for reciting 'The Lord's Prayer' at campaign rally

Leftists on social media tore into First Lady Melania Trump, mocking her accent and religion and branding her everything from a hostage to a whore – all for the secular offense of reciting “The Lord’s Prayer.”

Melania Trump began President Trump’s rally Saturday in Florida by delivering the prayer, which Christians – many of whom recite the prayer in church each week – believe was first said by Jesus Christ. The crowd at Orlando-Melbourne Airport received the prayer enthusiastically.

Left-leaning social media users were a different story, however.

“Melania starts the dictatorship rally with the Lord’s Prayer? NOT EVERY AMERICAN IS CHRISTIAN!!!! Country over party,” tweeted @JaimePrimak.



  1. I thought that was extremely powerful and wonderful of her to do. Total class and about time we start getting back to our Christian roots and stop be afraid of offending anyone. Also, remember that the English language is her 6th language so I applaud her for taking the paper up there and reading off of it. If she missed a word she would have been crucified for that. Her cadence and pauses were right on with The Lords Prayer. It is about time we bring class back to the White House. Whatever the 1st Lady and the President ever do, there will be loudmouth bitchy complainers.

  2. And not one single person had to stay and listen to it!

  3. I offend at least one person every day,unintentionally of course.I just got so sick of falling in line with everyone's views.

  4. Their over-the-top outrage over a PRAYER said to (and by) willing participants is one reason Trump continues to dominate.
    Most Americans think that such an attack on a PRAYER is kind of petty.
    Keep crying. Keep whining. Make all of your anxiety a public display of wailing and impending doom. Be afraid. Of everything.
    I'll keep cheering!

  5. Saw this coming
    Liberals just never stop

  6. Mrs. Trump is much more classy than our last first lady. Or the past community organizer.

  7. We all know who started this up, Obama did it because he would have used a Muslim Prayer and asked for Allah to help them kill Christians.

  8. Democrats: The party of destructive protests, support of illegal immigration (invasion by foreign nationals), atheists, abortionists, homosexuals, and gun control. These are their causes. My God! The big cities are SOOOOO decadent. And they can't figure out why the rest of America voted them out of the Senate, House, and the Presidency. Many of my Democrat friends are now starting to realize what a huge mistake they have made by supporting the Democrats for years. They had no idea.....

  9. Wait.. a CAMPAIGN rally? For what? The next election... he was sworn in just weeks ago! The President... works for the people. He works FOR you and FOR me! Why is he wasting time with campaigning now? Why is THIS not the story here? It's insane... As his boss... I have some serious questions as to WHY he feels the need to use OUR time for campaigning just weeks after taking office!!!

  10. 12:03 PM: Obama spent his time away from the White House playing golf...A LOT! Trump is spending his own campaign money, on a weekend, to talk to his supporters, the AMERICANS that voted for him. I voted for Trump, and I will again. Obama was the laziest President we have had in my lifetime. He never spent any of HIS money running for president, or speaking to the people. What's your beef? Or are you just another sore loser?

  11. 2:14

    I voted for Trump... and agree that Obama wasted time... but what Obama did is IRRELEVANT to this query. In fact, what anyone else did ever is ALWAYS irrelevant. Focus please. WHY is HE campaigning just weeks after taking the White House? As his boss I expect him to be working for us NOW... not running for re-election at a time that is not appropriate.

  12. Refreshing to have prayer recognized again. Let me guess, the ones doing some complaining pray too. They are just bummed that it is Melania Trump. Like the Roman Catholics who support abortion. Truth is in order to be a Catholic in good standing one cannot support abortion, so they support it in public but denounce it private and then go to communion. Right Tim Kaine, Nancy Pelosi, and John Kerry?

  13. We are a CHRISTIAN COUNTRY >> Get used to it
    If ya don't like it >>> LEAVE

    We are Proud of it, and Never will apologize for it > FACT

    We not letting Anyone erase OUR Religion and Culture !!!

  14. Yall who don't like Christianity had better Learn to like it
    or You will NOT be going to Heaven Period .....

    It is the ONLY real and true and Proven religion.....

    The rest are Man-Made ........Fact Better start Believing!!

  15. Obama was the Anti Christian > elected as President > and a
    Muslim Wanna-Be .... now we know .....Close Call America !!

  16. Muslim is really a CULT who treat their Women terrible
    and any others who they deem less than them >>> FACT

    Similar to Nazi back in the Hitler Day ....Heed that !!

  17. @8:20

    Actually, for accuracy, we are a Secular Country that protects Religious freedom of all people and faiths, that just so happens to have a majority population of Christians.

    To suggest people leave if they aren't Christian is actually UN-American, and it is what tyrannical theocratic regimes impose upon a population that is NOT free.

    I urge you to really think about what exactly it is you are saying, please. If you feel that your opinion stays the same... I respectfully as you stop calling yourself American, stop calling yourself a patriot, and start calling yourself a radical religious extremist.


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