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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Md. reconsiders suspending, expelling younger students

WASHINGTON — Kids in pre-K through second grade could no longer be suspended out of school or expelled under a bill being considered in Maryland.

The only exception would be if a child deliberately brought a gun to school.

In-school suspensions for young students would still be allowed.

Members of the House Ways and Means Committee heard testimony about the bill last week in Annapolis.

“No kid who’s 5 should be suspended or expelled, because it’s not helping the student mature or develop. It’s not effective for the classroom,” said Del. Brooke Lierman, a Democrat representing Maryland’s 46th District who is also the bill’s sponsor.



  1. What no suspending a kindergartener for chewing a Pop Tart into the shape of a gun? Some of Trump's common sense must be trickling down!

  2. The Country is trying to recover but this state just keeps going down the drain

  3. Go to Beaver run school and I guarantee you will change your mind on this subject.

  4. And guess what....Anne Arundel County is paying for any suspended kids from K-2 to go to a special school to the tune of over a million dollars for approximately 15 kids who are behavior problems Also, transportation (taxi's) is provided because now they can't ride the bus.

  5. Awwww poor little thugs parents will love this.

  6. At what point does a child accept responsibility for their actions? Is there a magical age? At 5 yrs old there should be a clear understanding of appropriate behavior and the expectation while in school. And, since when did it become the schools job to help a child mature? So sick of this all falling on the schools. Parents need to do that, not a teachers. They should only teach the curriculum, nothing else.

  7. When teachers and principles were able to discipline children no matter what age, they might as well stay home and let the brats run wild. The parents should be the one disciplined and fined if they can't make them behave and follow instructions by first grade.

    1. 100% correct.plus bring back the whip.

  8. I know of one child the teachers have been told NOT to correct the child as they have a bad family atmosphere at home. WTH so instead of trying to correct the child and make them behave at least in school they do nothing. So they constantly disrupt the class and sometimes they send her to the office so the class can have a break. The child will continue through out life being disruptive and non productive. SMDH

  9. This is stupidity at its best you suspend or expel a child under 10 but you let these thugs and gangs operate in JR and Senior High Schools without suspensions / getting expelled or even banned from school grounds. Where is the CS, Common Sense?

    1. Thats bc obama signed a law several years ago to protect thugs by catering to AA Thugs.

  10. If your a problem child you can spend time at home with your thug parents leave the good children alone.

    1. That's a large part of the problem. One or both parents not in the home, kid dumped on relatives. And what do the thug "parents" do with little Felonius? Let him run loose in the streets unsupervised getting into evwn more trouble.


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