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Friday, February 24, 2017

McCain Fingered as Major Trump Leaker

Via The Daily Bell

White House Fingers John McCain As Media Leak; Believes U.S. Senator Eavesdropped on Trump’s Classified Phone … This could be the beginning of the end for embattled Sen. John McCain’s life in politics. – True Pundit

Just the other day we wrote an article about John McCain and how he was trying to undermine President Donald Trump.

We suggested that if Trump could do something to rein in McCain that would be a net positive because McCain was being so destructive, not just to Trump but to the country generally.

McCaine tends to concentrate on areas that make him a male form of Hillary Clinton. Like Hillary he badly wants a war or vastly escalated tensions with Russia. He wants to stitch Ukraine firmly to Europe and wants to strip Russia of Crimea as well.

One reason McCain is so focused on international policy is because that’s where the wars are. For last 75 years, and even before that, America has been turned into a kind of beast of burden for international banking. It’s been made to shoulder numerous wars that were stalemated at best.

Gradually America is bleeding to death from these wars at the same time as China in particular has been raised up. McCain’s preoccupation is more with tearing America down. But meanwhile China is gaining in power and prestige.



  1. Trump should focus on he McCain recieved $1 million dollars from the Saudis for his campaine ?

  2. Very long, past due, for McCain to go anyway - he needs to go NOW!


  3. I don't know if this dude was ever worth a darn one hundred years ago, but he sure is a loser today.

  4. traitor is more like it! just another rino pos! war hero? total BS! just like kerry!

  5. He's been a whining RINO ever since the turd kicked his ass in the elections! Another example of why we should have term limits!

  6. Why do you people even keep up with this crap? You know damn well, no one will go to jail over anything illegal they do, NEVER!!!!

  7. 8:19...I agree, no one will go to jail. However, if proven to be true, I would imagine that at least he would be censured by the senate and lose his seat in disgrace.

  8. His daughter is just a bad. Can't handle her on Out Numbered. Another dummy from his loin's.

  9. He has been a snitch ever since he was a prisoner of war. If you research his actions there, he basically had turned in other prisoners and escape plans for better treatment.

  10. He needs to Lay down / stand down in military talk !!!!

  11. He's a traitor. period. needs to be totally exposed, censured and removed from office...

  12. McCain is one of the Keating 5 who benefited from cash to look the other way back in the 1985 S&L bank collapse.

  13. He was a Traitor in Viet Nam too! He ratted out his fellow prisoners every chance he could.
    The one Col. of N. Viet Nam said he only had to ask and he would find out everything from Mr. McCain.

  14. Sounds like he was a treasonous pos so why was he elevated to where he is at now ?.

  15. This ass gives POW'S a bad name!

    1. That 'ass' did more to protect and serve this country than either you or daddy Trump ever will.


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