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Sunday, February 19, 2017

Make America Safe Again - Event this Saturday at 1pm


They are trying their best to undermine President Trump and his administration.
Now, these folks are trying to undermine him here on the Eastern Shore, after we voted for his winning candidacy. Don't let them be emboldened. JOIN US THIS SATURDAYDOWNTOWN Salisbury at 1pm. Bring your Trump gear.
If you support President Trump and his efforts to Make America Safe Again, we need your participation. The anti-Trump movement intends to rear its ugly head in the heart of our conservative community. An anti-Trump rally is scheduled and we intend to meet it head on. They claim it to be a peaceful rally intending to protest the travel ban and President Trump's plan to build a wall to secure our nation. If you SUPPORT the travel ban and the WALL please consider joining our PEACEFUL response to their rally.

Conservatives need to stand up for their beliefs. Don’t be complacent and simply expect these dissenters to simply go away. They need to see our presence and hear our voice. We won on November 8th and apparently we must continue the battle. Let's show our unwavering support for President Trump and our commitment to Making America Great Again!

With your help, we can change the game and make this a Pro-Trump Rally! Stand up for Trump and indicated you will be attending Saturday. HERE ---->https://www.facebook.com/events/1070982563013454
See you Saturday, February 18th, Downtown Salisbury in front of the courthouse.


  1. I am going but your other post up joe looks like your viewers aint going ? why is the C word the new Coward letter for conservitive?

  2. While we're there we can talk about how he is covering up his clear ties to Russia with this new story of leaks, leaks, leaks, we need to find who leaked this information. Nevermind that it links those closest to me and subsequently me myself to Russia, we need to get those who leaked it!

    He loves a good leak as long until it's about him. I hope Mr. Trump does well but I feel this is just a taste of things to come in this presidency.

  3. C stands for Conservative, just like the comment says, and extremely similar to Webster's dictionary, 8:05! And if you happen to notice while you are in the Dictionary, there are MANY words that start with the letter "c". Have you ever been to Sesame Street?

    You're just trying to stir up the pot, Molly. STFU.

  4. this should be on a different day and a seperate event. Why give the whackos any credibility by having event at same time? They should be ignored and then on another day and time, the grown-ups rally.

  5. Would like to go but have a funeral for a friend to attend.

  6. If the bikers are going, I will go. They will keep people in line.

  7. The police are expecting trouble. Why would any republican go to egg on their anger? Stay home - let them fizzle out. If they break the law, arrest them. I pray our officers remain safe on Saturday.

  8. It's a very big mistake to confront this group. Didn't you see the paid domestic terrorists at Berkeley? It was organized and funded by whoever it is that wants to destroy this country. If these paid protesters show up, you could be badly injured. Is it worth the risk?

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I am going but your other post up joe looks like your viewers aint going ? why is the C word the new Coward letter for conservitive?

    February 16, 2017 at 8:05 AM

    I agree! What the F*** is wrong with these bunch of cowards. They are pussies. I am glad they went to the polls and voted for Trump, but they are too much of a pussy to stand up and defend him. Know wonder Democrats keep winning elections. Bunch of damn Pussies!!

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    While we're there we can talk about how he is covering up his clear ties to Russia with this new story of leaks, leaks, leaks, we need to find who leaked this information. Nevermind that it links those closest to me and subsequently me myself to Russia, we need to get those who leaked it!

    He loves a good leak as long until it's about him. I hope Mr. Trump does well but I feel this is just a taste of things to come in this presidency.

  11. Anonymous said...
    C stands for Conservative, just like the comment says, and extremely similar to Webster's dictionary, 8:05! And if you happen to notice while you are in the Dictionary, there are MANY words that start with the letter "c". Have you ever been to Sesame Street?

    You're just trying to stir up the pot, Molly. STFU.

    February 16, 2017 at 8:39 AM

    I'm pretty sure that wasn't Molly! You freaken' COWARD!! Find a set of Balls and go defend our President!!

  12. Anonymous said...
    The police are expecting trouble. Why would any republican go to egg on their anger? Stay home - let them fizzle out. If they break the law, arrest them. I pray our officers remain safe on Saturday.

    February 16, 2017 at 10:20 AM

    Yep, you are a coward!!

    You can't even show proof that "the police are expecting trouble." You are nothing but a coward! "Whah, Whah, Whah, I pray that our officers remain safe on Saturday." "Whah, I'm a Pussy!"

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It's a very big mistake to confront this group. Didn't you see the paid domestic terrorists at Berkeley? It was organized and funded by whoever it is that wants to destroy this country. If these paid protesters show up, you could be badly injured. Is it worth the risk?

    February 16, 2017 at 10:28 AM

    "If these paid protesters show up, you could be badly injured. Is it worth the risk?" Evidence of a COWARD!!

  14. Anonymous said...
    While we're there we can talk about how he is covering up his clear ties to Russia with this new story of leaks, leaks, leaks, we need to find who leaked this information. Nevermind that it links those closest to me and subsequently me myself to Russia, we need to get those who leaked it!

    He loves a good leak as long until it's about him. I hope Mr. Trump does well but I feel this is just a taste of things to come in this presidency.

    February 16, 2017 at 8:09 AM

    Funny Obama and his Administration were very friendly with Hamas and Iran and you didn't say a word then? Obama met with Iran and paid them $1.3 Billion U.S. dollars and you didn't open your mouth then!! Did you forget that Iran was our enemy!! Did you forget that most of Obama's high level staff were Muslims! Did you forget that the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrated the White House and the Capital. Where was the outrage then!!

  15. I hope people are able to keep it civil if not cordial.

  16. Will Jackie Wellfonder be bouncing back and forth between rallies? She was at the Trump headquarters during the campaign supporting him or was she there only for the free food?

  17. Well if something bad does happend at her so called event like destruction of property or riot or damage to vehicles etc she molly should be held accountable and jailed

  18. It will be a MISTAKE to NOT confront these leftist. Get off your butts and get downtown Saturday!
    I get a letter telling me $4.26 of my health insurance premiums goes to funding abortions...... that's it. time to fight back.
    Single, no kids and I'm paying for abortions? Got to stop.

  19. You have a tattoo 1:00. You are also paying for it to be removed if you ever so desire. I was one of the very few who was able to keep their plan BUT that was because it became Obamacare compliant. One of the many additions was tattoo removal.

  20. I am very much a Conservative. I am a Republican
    Trump however is bad for the Republican Party.
    But this site will not publish this comment

  21. Trump isn't bad for the country Career politicians are


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