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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Letter to the Editor:

Joe I am a Catholic and I love my Faith and my church St. Francis de Sales. I don't know if it happened during all the Masses, but this past Sunday during the during the 12 PM Mass something struck a nerve. Struck a nerve that it almost made me get up and walk out never to return. During the "Special Prayer Intentions" they said like they pray that the elected officials make government policy to protect everyone 'especially' Christians and Muslims. Then we follow with "Lord, hear our prayer." I almost threw up my breakfast. I think some of that might be coming from Pope Francis, but Liberal Susan Hargreaves Parker is part of the Parish Council and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if she is pushing that crap on us.

As you may know Susan Parker is with the Daily Rag and all she does is post liberal, anti-Trump articles in that rag.

WTH does the Catholics have to do with the Muslims? Why should we pray to protect them when they are cutting off the heads of Catholic Priests! How soon our liberal folks forget that. I as a Catholic detest anyone from the church telling me that I have to pray for those rapists and murderers. What about the homeless in our country. What about the cops being slaughtered. What about black on white crime. Muslims? HELL NO!

Feel free to post this about St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church!! I would love to know how other Catholics feel.


  1. And all are in cahoots with Jackie Wellfonder pushing behind it to...

  2. Because at the very least we are supposed to love our enemies:

    Matthew Chapter 5:43-47

    "You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[i] and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?

    And even if you don't want to do that, at least prayer for the innocent Muslims caught in the crossfire between the extremists in their midst and the countries like ours that don't seem to care as long as it doesn't affect us. We as Christians choose to love them because they are our neighbor, because that's what Jesus calls us to do.

    -a local Lutheran

  3. 10:29 Drop the mic and walk away!

  4. Promoting your own demise is not prudent.

    Would love to know where this came from: Rome (Vatican), Wilmington (Diocese), Salisbury (St. Francis) ???

  5. Religion is a snare and a racket!

  6. Love and pray for them yes. Tolerance and complacency...NO, NEVER ever.
    You must chastise and stop cults at every turn, speak out against them.
    In order to be Muslim one must believe and follow islam, islam is a cult of the worst. Do not allow it to seed and grow. Upset their tables as if it were the market place set upon the steps of the Church, just as Christ did!

  7. Maybe you could at least pray that they change their wicked ways? Nothing wrong with praying for anyone.

  8. 10:29 a local lutheran-whatever "church" you are attending isn't a real church. They are teaching a fake doctrine. A wolf in sheeps clothing who because of false teaching has a place in hell ready for them with their name on it. The passage you quote only proves how wrong you are. As stated above it says love and pray that is it that is all. It does NOT say you have to tolerate them, break bread with them, invite them in.
    Also above mentions speaking out against them and if you knew the 1st thing about the Bible you would know this to be true. Now let me educate you because if you do attend a church it is a disgrace and a big lie to say what they do.
    Matthew say false prophets meaning mohamid arise to lead people astray.
    Romans says we have been released from the law having died to which held up captive (islam law) so that we server in the NEW way of the SPirit and NOT the old way of the written code (quran.) There are many many more dismissing islam which if your pastor or whatever the fake calls themselves were a true person of God and not the lying phoney they really are.

  9. This Parker whack job just like James above are nothing but tools. Brainwashed tool. And just like the good little tools they are they lie without a hint of shame. They don't really mean "love" they mean liberal tolerance. They will say otherwise but that's because they lie about everything constantly. Take homosexuality for example. They lie and say they accept them because you are to love your neighbor. The bible clearly say homosexuality is a sin. The bible also instructs that when you truly love you try and change the ways of a sinner something Parker and James choose to ignore because they are not real christians and they are liars. Also loving you neighbor doesn't include a broad scope of unidentified individuals, groups of people-that's liberal tolerance. Again something liars like Parker and James will never admit.

  10. Food for thought
    Who is Allah?
    the Islamic god is called “The Greatest Deceiver” ( Qur’an 3:54 )
    The Bible too also mentions the GREAT Deceiver…

    (Rev 19:20) And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he Deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
    The ONE trait that is truthful about Allah is also congruent to the beast; also known as the Biblical Satan.
    The Qur’an’s Deception Passages:
    (Quran 3:54) –
    Literal: And they cheated/deceived and God cheated/deceived, and God (is) the best (of) the cheaters/deceivers

    ( Quran 7:99 ) –
    Literal: Did they secure God’s scheme/deceit ? So no(one) trusts God’s scheme/deceit except the nation the losers

    (Quran 8:30) –
    Literal: And when those who disbelieved deceive/scheme at you to affix/affirm you, or kill you, or bring you out, and they scheme/deceive , and Allah deceives/schemes and Allah (is) best (of) the deceivers/schemers.

    The Word Miim-Kaf-Ra is constantly used when referring to Allah , Miim-Kaf-Ra = “To practice deceit or guile or circumvention, practice evasion or illusion, to plot, to exercise art or craft or cunning, act with policy, practice stratagem.”

    So as we can see from this excerpt, the God of the Bible is not only Faithful and Honest, but he is also reliable and true. Because he is a God of Light, no ‘Darkness’ can flow from him because it would be incompatible with his identity. However, the God of the Quran does NOT share this Quality (Honest, Truthful).

    In fact, In the Qur’an the scriptures call their God (who we will reference as ‘Allah’ for the remainder of this post) the Greatest Deceiver out of ALL of the Deceivers.

    So unlike the Christian God, The God of Islam is not truthful and honest. Instead he is deceptive and crafty (Qur’an 3:54)

    Now it doesn’t take a genius to realize that if “Deception” is known as one of someone’s best qualities — that person (or entity) is one in which you can “trust” to your own peril.

  11. Good rule of life, in the 21st Century:

    Always have your friends close, but enemies even closer!

  12. The prayer was "that our government leaders may have wisdom and insight to develop policies to assist refugees and immigrants, especially Christians and Muslims throughout the world"
    We prayed for our leaders to be Christ-like and show compassion in their policies.

  13. Also to the original poster: I'd encourage you to talk to a priest about the revulsion you felt at the prayer. Maybe he could offer you a better understanding and some healing. We as Catholics are absolutely supposed to be praying for those oppressed for their beliefs and scarred by wars.

  14. I'll pray they rot in hellfire or wake up and join the rest of the civilized world.

  15. Maybe because God wants you to love everyone and treat them as you would want to be treated.

  16. 12:17 Don't patronize. Most of us have an understanding of what the muslim political system is about. Take a look at Europe and how the muslims are integrating there. The have NO desire to be neighborly. Their "belief system" is one of horrific abuse of women and children. Women have zero rights. We should be praying for these people to turn from evil (Mohammed) and cry out to Jesus who is the only way.

  17. I think we all have to careful not to bend scripture to suit a political agenda. I think we can agree there is one God period. As one poster quoted Matthew I had to smile. The Lutherans are they not the liberal Catholics. As churches began to become politically correct allowing abortion and same sex marriages. Does anyone truly believe that abortion used a simple birth control was intended by God. Does anyone truly believe God wanted homosexuality to become the norm. I will still love all these people I do not have to agree with their actions.

    The church is not God. God is what is within you. God is love and love is God. No matter what faith you follow. Our God is a forgiving God. Politics have no place in the House of Worship.

    God did give us free will. What we do with it is the question and the answer.

    A liberal agenda is not for the pulpit. It is for spreading the WORD of God not your personal beliefs. To many Churches have become politically correct. Save that for home discussions. The Catholic Church bent to save equity. That is truly sad.

    We should never allow another religion to murder women and children and while in the act rape them as well. I do not think God intended us to accept that.

    MF Delmar

  18. Why don't you take it up with Father LeBarge instead of trying to stir up trouble on a blog? Oh, because it suits your political agenda, that's why.

  19. WOW! I too am Catholic but would never ask not to keep Christians and Muslims safe. I think the disconnect here is radical extremists vis-a- vis moderate Muslims who assimilate and have every right to practice their faith. What am I missing?

  20. The standard method of operation that islam practices is to quietly and peacefully infiltrate the land of non-believers. Then when they have populated enough to overtake the non-believers they will force them out of the land that accepted them, kill them or demand that they convert to islam.

    The kindness and generosity of Christians has always been their own downfall. It is happening in Europe and beginning in the USA.

  21. I was raised Catholic and attended Catholic school. What allowed me to see the light was when my family offered to make a huge investment in the school. The total cost would have been well well well into the 6 figures. I won't go into specifics but we were invited to dinner to discuss with high up church officials. Oh they wanted our money but instead of the improvement they basically said just give the money to them to use as they see fit. We couldn't get out of there fast enough. The Catholic church is nothing more then Big Business. They perverted the Word of God so to attract more people to attend their church. The only reason they are all for refugees and immigrants is because they will receive money from the government to help "resettle" and other reasons. The Catholic church has already receive over a billion dollars in fed grants and contracts mostly immigration related.

  22. Amen 1:12. To the Catholic Church and the Lutheran "love" has been redefined to mean liberal tolerance. They've redefined "neighbor" which is clearly singular to mean groups. Both churches and many others are doing a disservice to their followers by perverting the true meaning of words to fit their yes political agenda and their purse strings. They don't fool me. I'm too smart and can see right through their actions.

  23. James has NO business quoting the Bible. He is a very bad sinner. He is participating in that protest coming up. He is not a Christian. He can lie about it all day long but it's just that a lie. He is a very bad person who picks and chooses what part of the Bible suits his agenda in other words he has the devil in him and is a very evil and wicked person. The Bible says to support your government leaders because they were put in place by God Himself. James ignores this which proves how evil he is. You don't get to pick and choose when it comes to the Bible and if you do you are not a real Christian. It's all or nothing with God.

  24. "Anonymous said...

    The prayer was "that our government leaders may have wisdom and insight to develop policies to assist refugees and immigrants, especially Christians and Muslims throughout the world"
    We prayed for our leaders to be Christ-like and show compassion in their policies.

    February 8, 2017 at 12:13 PM"

    This is extremely offensive and excludes many other groups of people including minorities of many ethnicities who are experiencing hardships worldwide. It's not inclusive at all and has no place in a church.
    A church should not be singling out the cause du jour because that means they are acting as a political arm instead of a faith based one. Shame on whoever said this. Shame Shame on them.

  25. Does the Catholic Church support Sharia law?

  26. 4:21
    I am a Lutheran and proud of it!
    Jesus preached love your enemy. To treat hate with hate just brings more hate.
    Kindness catches them off guard. Evil expects evil in return.
    Don't sink to their level. Love them in the lord, but don't expect me to love what they do. Our mission as are other Christian religions are to spread the word and show them, the love of Christ. If they don't want to be a part of this, then at least we tried, but on the other hand, don't push your evil beliefs and laws on us. If so, we all have the right to defend ourselves and our families. I am also a conservative and voted for Trump. Christian values are the bedrock of this nation, and I believe firmly they they should be defended. The Christian churches don't need division, we need to band together. If not, we are doomed and evil will rein!

  27. It was Roman Catholic priest who had Christ crucified.

  28. I may not know much because I am from the Eastern Shore. But I do know this. Muslims murder women and children, they kill homosexuals and push them off buildings, they behead and kill Christians because they won't convert. Now I also know a little bit about the Bible. And God said when false prophets come around DO NOT bid them God speed. God also said when talking to believers that you should come out from among them and be ye separate. This means you do not fellowship with non-believers. And Muslims are definitely non believers. Just saying .

  29. The problem with so many of the churches today is they don't really preach what the Bible says. They preach what they WANT the Bible to say.

  30. Ask anyone from Minnesota exactly what the Lutherans are about.The Lutheran ministries there have imported so many Godless Somalis into the state that they are rapidly becoming a nuisance.Petty crimes right on up to murder.Our white Christian guilt is going to end up being the end of us.

  31. There are different synods of the Lutheran Church. There is the ELCA, which is the most liberal, Missouri synod, and Wisconsin synod. I belong to the Missouri synod, which is very conservative. Wisconsin is even more strict. They won't even serve you communion if you are not a part of that church. All I can say is, I am a member of Bethany Lutheran Church. A wonderful church with a wonderful caring congregation and Pastor.

  32. If you want to know how other Catholics feel, why not just ask your fellow parishioners? Come to the many adult education and Bible study events. Come to the many social events where you can discuss these matters with your fellow parishioners. There are fish dinners and pancake breakfasts and receptions after mass and on and on. Criticizing your church online and opening it up for the anti-Catholics, trolls, and various online haters isn't kind. It's gossip and detraction writ large. I can't imagine your fellow parishioners take kindly to that.

    After you finish polling folks about how they feel about the prayer you didn't like, why don't you ask the people in the pews around you how they feel about your actions.
    Or do you really not want to know how your fellow Catholics really feel???

  33. OK - so this crap is all about "loving our neighbor"? So why single out muslims for inclusion? Why not Hindus, Wiccans, Jews, etc? So sick of these tools and their progressive agenda.


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