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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Judicial Activism!


  1. Odd he did not know this prior to being elected,but a really good thing to change ASAP.

  2. With corruption everywhere, President Trump has got a rough road ahead of him.

  3. Well said on Pic !!

    Since when the hell can Any judge tell the friggi'n
    PRESIDENT what to do ??? Not in my 60 yr lifetime !!!!

  4. Some play politics while serious folks look beyond politics.

  5. Since president Trump was elected you really see the true colors of officials your tax dollars pay for.

  6. Guess Judges will start running our country now
    may as well have No President then ..........

    We Voters thought we elected somebody IN CHARGE , not a
    Judge to tell the One in charge , what to do .........

    Did the Judge win the ELECTORAL VOTES ?? (Not )

  7. What is a country coming to when a President can do whatever he wants?

    1. He is following the powers given to him by the constitution, not what he wants. What he wants is for this country to be safe, you apparently think that is not his job? That is the first and foremost role of the government fool. And being the head of the government, he is completely within his rights to do this and much more. Go read a civics book and learn about what you are commenting about before you make yourself sound as dumb as you obviously are on the subject.

  8. 1055 you really do live in a box don't you? The Executive Order was not only constitutional it is legal. Are you going to sit there and tell us that you're smarter than most of the legal minds in America? Are you going to say you're the one who has all the answers? It seems that if you were, you wouldn't be commenting on a blog about change and making change happen. Its all too easy to sit there and be a Monday morning armchair lawyer but it's another thing entirely to go DO something about it. Your comment is just so ill-informed it's pathetic. You're among the lowest common denominator the Left loves to exploit. Have fun!

  9. 11:06 and it was based on the same list that the TURD used a few years ago. The only reason it is not ok now is that it doesn't fit the dumbocrat agenda!

  10. Separate but equal powers... checks and balances.

    It's not activism. It never was.

    It's recognizing the lie perpetrated by the Trump administration. His ENTIRE campaign, Trump promised to stop MUSLIM immigration, stroking the fears of the misinformed and uneducated. He knows he can't do that, so this is his thinly veiled attempt to make good on that promise, which the Court system has quickly identified as illegal.

  11. 10:55 - First, it is legal. Second, did you once complain about the illegal garbage from 0bama for 8 years. What a moron!!

  12. 1142am...your clearly for allowing terrorist from these 7 countries make their way into the USA {call them what ever cult you want}, tell us where your located so the next terror attach we can make sure your held accountable.


  13. What a shame that when President Trump does what every other President has done, including Obama, it's suddenly illegal. Has the American people lost their minds! President Trump is trying to stop radicals from coming to our country to kill us. He is stopping everyone for now until a better checks and balance system can go into place to keep out the radicals of this 'religion'. Are Americans so blind as to not hear or read about the Muslim marches in other countries and how they want us to die????? WAKE UP AMERICA. IT MIGHT ALREADY BE TOO LATE!

  14. Good news and NO Executive Order required:

    ONLY 2 days until TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. 1142 Do you have a better idea about how to stop ISIS from coming into America? I'm sure the FBI would love to have a consult with you. It can be arranged if you'd like!

  16. 11:42 legal does not mean it is right. Remember all the crazy things that were legal 100 years ago? Before that?

  17. A lawyer once told me, legal and the right thing are not always in unison. Protecting Americans is both legal and doing the right thing. Quit bitching. Election is over. Deal with it like we dealt with Obama for 8 years. You had your time. It's over. Move on.

  18. Ha! Congress passed obamacare and it signed by POTUS. This sent you guys into a tizzy begging for "judicial activism". Now look at you. LOL


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