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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Jeff Sessions confirmed as attorney general despite controversies

Senator had come under fire for his views on race and civil rights in a tempestuous confirmation process that strained the upper chamber’s norms

A closely divided Senate confirmed the nomination of Jeff Sessions to be attorney general on Wednesday after a historically tumultuous confirmation process that saw the senator from Alabama come under fire for his views on race and civil rights.



  1. Great, finally someone honest in the justice department after 8 years of lying crooks.

  2. If I were Hillary I would be worried tonight.

  3. We all know the next 4 years will be hell to get anything done? Please, I hope no one thought Trump becoming Prez would washing everything bad away. CONgress is whats putrid and will hold up everything. We'll go through another round of elections in less than 2 years, but nothing will happen. Then in about a year, Presidential re-election stuff will start and that will be a mess. Followed by the actual election as well as house elections again. UNTIL the old mindset is out of Washington - nothing will change. The bar may move right a bit, then left, then back and forth ad nauseam.

    Time limits are badly needed for our country to truly move forward....or as history shows, a World War - which no one ever wins.

    Question: Are things really bad?

  4. "..We'll go through another round of elections in less than 2 years, but nothing will happen.."

    You hide and watch, partner. We are going to get rid of a LOT more of these Obstructocrats in 2018.

    Most Americans are FED UP with this ongoing temper tantrum and the childish behavior..


  6. Anonymous said...
    We all know the next 4 years will be hell to get anything done? Please, I hope no one thought Trump becoming Prez would washing everything bad away. CONgress is whats putrid and will hold up everything. We'll go through another round of elections in less than 2 years, but nothing will happen. Then in about a year, Presidential re-election stuff will start and that will be a mess. Followed by the actual election as well as house elections again. UNTIL the old mindset is out of Washington - nothing will change. The bar may move right a bit, then left, then back and forth ad nauseam.

    Time limits are badly needed for our country to truly move forward....or as history shows, a World War - which no one ever wins.

    Question: Are things really bad?

    February 8, 2017 at 8:26 PM

    Hey Dumbass we already have "term limits," it's called elections. You cry babies always piss and moan about "term limits" when you don't like who is in office. I guarantee you there would be no pissing and moaning if your favorite Republican was in office. We've had some good Republicans that served nobly for numerous terms and you didn't cry about them.

    Grow up and learn how to educate people on who to "truly" vote for.

  7. We all need to send him an email in support of him going after the lying bitch Hillary!

  8. Just as they did on DeVos, once again Cardin and Van Hollen disgraced themselves.

  9. Ok Jeff
    Get to work
    Let's start with oh let say, how about Clinton's ?

  10. 9:06 - Need more coffee to think clearly.

  11. Term limits should be required because of those politician's who keep getting elected time after time by people who have become dependent on them for something or another or, they simply keep casting a vote for "the name you know" like in the movie "The Distinguished Gentleman". At least with mandatory term limits we are keeping fresher ideas moving around.

  12. I agree with 7:37. The country is finally going to see what a real law keeper is like. Obama had his bootlickers who disgraced the office. Sessions will bring class and dedication to the office, not the person how nominated him.

  13. I want to hear today at noon, Arrest warrants issued for the Clinton Crime Family!

  14. Erick Holder was racist, Loretta Lynch was racist, heck I thought Obama made it a condition of employment for the position. Why do the Dems complain now?

  15. Now all we have to do is to collect the bricks that every Democrat $hit so we can use them to build the wall.


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