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Saturday, February 18, 2017

Islamophobic Saudi Arabia Deports 40,000 Muslim Pakistanis, Citing Terrorism Concerns

Saudi Arabia has deported a staggering 40,000 Pakistani migrant workers in the span of just four months, citing terrorism concerns.

The Saudi Gazette reported last week that “a number of Pakistanis were held in the crimes of drug trafficking, thefts, forgery and physical assault.” Authorities feared that some of the migrant workers were linked with ISIS, or as the Saudis call the terror group, Daesh. Other migrants were deported due to expired residency and work permits.



  1. This is all so confusing.

  2. At least they're acknowledging the issue! We need to work on that here!

  3. Meanwhile the Saudis send terrorists here on 9-11.

  4. From the land who created Osama Bin Laden, this should be a wake-up call to all.


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