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Sunday, February 19, 2017

Is Governor Hogan Helping O'Malley Back Into The Governors Mansion?

What we do know is that Governor Hogan refuses to show any support towards President Trump. What we also know is that Hogan is helping O'Malley back on center stage when it comes to redistricting.

It seems to me that Hogan is playing both sides, yet the mass majority not only overwhelmingly voted for Hogan. He's also rated the 2nd most popular Governor in the United States. So why tie yourself with the former Governor when the majority of Marylander's wanted a completely different form of leadership?

I don't know about you but if Hogan is so independent and confident, (as he impressed us in his campaign) I'm wondering why he keeps tying himself with O'Malley and pushing away from President Trump. 

Your thoughts?


  1. Hogan showed his True ÇOLORS with Trump in my book he is a one term rino gov.

  2. He is becoming a professional politician and I will not vote for him again. New bills recently are democrats rhetoric and he supported it. Promoting Mosby who was in charge of the worst district in Maryland was absurd.

  3. All we can do is look back after he's out of office.He may be a brilliant chess player using reverse psychology to accomplish productive goals.Like Trumps Supreme Court pick who abruptly showed opposition to one specific decision made by Trump.The game of politics cannot be played like it used to be.RINO's are everywhere and Democrats are everywhere.

  4. O'Malley works for MetroLab now. "

    MetroLab Network, for those unfamiliar, is a partnership between cities (and counties) and the universities therein that aims to bring “data, analytics, and innovation to city government.”

    It's possible they were meeting to discuss something along these lines. So don't go taking a picture of these two in the same room and planting this illogical seed of deceit just because Hogan doesn't march around commending Trump lol

  5. Governor Hogan needs to win a 2nd term. He is working very hard to bring conservative values to Maryland but has to go through the liberal legislature. Everything Hogan has vetoed has been overridden by the legislature. Four more Republican senators and seven more delegates would allow Gov. Hogan to be veto proof in 2018. Maryland voters need to make this happen. If Hogan loses, we will have a liberal governor like O'Malley was. NOBODY wants this but the liberals that have been in power for way to long. Criticizing Gov. Hogan will not help him get re-elected.

  6. Looks to me like a wolf in sheep's clothing.. (Democrat pretending to be Republican just to get elected)

  7. O'Malley plan is to convince Cardin to retire (he's 73) and take the Senate seat in 2018, thus having a higher national profile to be the Democratic presidential candidate in 2020.

  8. Just another Political chameleon looking out for his re-election just to get tax payer retirement for life.

  9. This past Monday Hogan showed his true colors standing with Day and Culver. Government handouts at it's best. His staff needs to do their legwork better.

  10. He's a traitor and will not be around after one term

  11. Yep, let's vote him out and get back to decades of democratic governors.

  12. I don't believe in Hogan and any support to get O'Malley back in is not a vote for Maryland. Hogan a governor not supporting the president who won the election, should never see another public office, and he obviously cannot remember what a bad governor O'Malley was. O'Malley wanted correctional officers replaced with therapist and do gooders! He also got rid of the death sentence. Both should live in some other country. Since then also their are no limits as to how close sexual predators can live next to churches and schools. Crazy men.

  13. 10:00

    I think you are on to something. Sometimes I have concerns about the good governor, buy he is a heck of a lot better than a democrat. The former loser in the photo has a nerve to even visit, if for Christmas. You can't embarrass him though. He just doesn't get it.

    Prayers continue for Hogan Strong!!!

  14. I didn't vote for Hogan, but I am so proud of him. He is one of a few who sees through Donald Trump and sees the racist, biggot, sexist, I am the greatest personality he really is. Trump puts down immigrants and Hogan is married to a lovely lady of a different race, so he knows what it is like to have a loved one slammed for the color of their skin. He is willing to listen to the other side and compromise. Hogan realizes that God loves Republicans and Democrats. He also knows as a real Christian that we are to love one another and respect one another. Maybe we don't agree on everything, but he is willing to listen. Congratulations Gov. Hogan for what you are trying to do and God will continue to bless you with wealth, health, and life.

  15. I won't be voting for him again. Hopefully a Real republican runs against him in the primary. Or I'll sit out the general. Hogan is a denmocrat. i refuse to support him.

  16. Better hide he silverware !

  17. Right on 12:22!!!!
    Trump is a racist moron

  18. 12:22

    you are the worst kind of "Christian."

  19. 12:22 You do know Trump is married to a immigrant from another country just saying


  20. 10:00 am is accurate.

    Hogan is a Republican, but with both legislative houses in Democrat Socialist hands. They don't want him re-elected. We should.

    Just as it takes time to turn the Queen Mary around at sea, Maryland has been adrift and it will take some clever navigating to get it done. Hogan appealed successfully to enough Democrats to get elected. He needs to retain his Republican support and those Democrats who voted for him, as well as gather more support.

    No Democrat will pursue Republican goals, and few other Republicans would be as successful as Hogan.

    We deserve electoral districts that aren't gerrymandered; Hogan is pursuing this. If letting O'Malley grab some ink helps this to become a reality, OK, even though I don't have sufficient time to really say how much I dislike O'Malley.

    See the big picture, people!


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