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Sunday, February 19, 2017

Ignorance is not Bliss

By Thornton Crowe

Since signed, the Left has gone postal over the Immigration Halt from seven countries in the Middle East as if the Trump Administration has dissuaded anyone from coming into America. Its sad to see a group of people here in Salisbury are going to join the ranks of those who just don't understand what problems are at stake and why they should be rallying over the miscarriage of justice that's putting their lives in grave danger.

Some facts to go with your Sunday morning coffee and doughnuts...

President Trump is within his right as our Commander in Chief to ban travel from anywhere in this country due to vetting being weak. It is in our Law. (See image below for the actual law.) It is not subject to be usurped and even the 9th District has approached the White House to resubmit a brief so they can hear the situation again.

Remember, judges (and Hollywood) don't have the clearance to hear National Security issues, nor will they ever. And they have absolutely no idea what the President knows from the intel community, but here's what we do know...

FBI Director James Comey testified in front of Congress, clearly stating there was great difficulty vetting people from places like Syria because of poor record keeping on their keeping as well as if "someone doesn't make a ripple in the pond, then we won't know if they're violent..." This woman show here to the right is a perfect example of his statement and 14 dead people in California can attest she was highly dangerous.

This is a huge problem as these people pour in from countries that support terrorist training and activities. The seven countries were dictated by Congress and the Obama Administration. Therefore, it is not President Trump or his advisors just pulling countries out of the sky for kicks. There is a huge historic issue here that Americans and judges are not privy to; however, people like this group planning to protest next Saturday seem to feel this moral narcissism that's frightening.

Second, since Judge Robarts (WA) put a temporary restraining order on the EO, 77% of the immigrants coming into the US have been from those seven countries - 457 coming from Syria. (Fox & Friends Report this morning) Many intel community leaders warned long before now (as well as the high ups from ISIS) that terrorists had infiltrated the refugee population and they planned to exact great damage to Americans.

Even if only one of those 457 is a terrorist - that can cause massive kill rate depending on what they do to exact harm on Americans. To ascertain some idea of this, look to Orlando where 49 people lost their lives at the hands of 1 shooter. ONE! Now imagine that in a place like one of our grocery stores on a Saturday afternoon.

Would you want yourself or your spouse or, better yet, your child to be 1 of 49 people?

Third, another startling thing is the Gay community in Salisbury seems to join in on this misunderstanding. Terrorists have notoriously beheaded, stoned, hung and thrown gay people off roof tops just for being gay, yet, some want to hold a rally to let people who would kill them into the country. Sorry to say but this is much like the Jews that voted for Hitler in the early 30s. Essentially they voted for their own persecution because they couldn't comprehend the true danger posed to their population by the Third Reich.

Lastly, every president has instate bans in their terms; however, where was all the outcry? Obama did a whopping 19 bans from several countries including the seven in question now, so where was the protests, peace rallies and other nonsense then? Crickets.

As for the Salisbury rally next Saturday, frankly, it's like showing up for the big dance a week too late. Perhaps had they done it in unison with the nefarious Women's March in January it might have been more understandable, but now? It just looks foolish. It brings out the town's ignorants, falling for some feigned hysteria instead of using common sense to understand why the Trump Administration did the EO in the first place.

Further, it only goes further to demonstrate everything the lunatic Left is 'known' for. Therefore, Molly can scream all she wants to on Facebook that it's "Not an anti-Trump march," we all know she's not fooling anyone! The Left's three-month long tantrum over Trump winning the election has become worn out and appears they also don't know, study, or learn from "protest" history and Middle America. Look up 1968, kids, and let me know how all that worked out!

Now here's something that could/should be done...

Being that people are just not getting the ramifications of terrorists seeking entry to the US, perhaps its time for the Trump Administration to consider a full suspension of all immigration. The State Department can revoke and just cease to grant visas and green cards until such a time when a proper vetting process is implemented. As other countries' systems are proven, then release the visa ban and allow people from those countries' citizens to come into America.

With a full suspension there is no delusion of discrimination as it would be applicable to all countries not just a handful. There would be no 'misinterpretation' of laws. It would be a resolution that can't be construed as anything more than the administration following through with President Trump's duty to keep Americans safe.

Surprisingly, in a poll, I found 90% of those polled would support such a total suspension until proper vetting can be executed. The remaining 10%, like Molly, aren't getting it.

Are you?


  1. Give the Muslims the same rights here that they give Christians in their countries.

  2. VET all snowflakes.

  3. "FBI Director James Comey testified in front of Congress, clearly stating there was great difficulty vetting people from places like Syria because of poor record keeping on their keeping as well as if "someone doesn't make a ripple in the pond, then we won't know if they're violent..." This woman show here to the right is a perfect example of his statement and 14 dead people in California can attest she was highly dangerous."Thornton Crowe

    This woman Malik was born in Pakistan and lived most of her life in Saudi Arabia where most of the 9/11 hijackers came from not Syria.

    IN the Orlando shooting Omar Mateen was an American citizen born in New Hyde Park, New York. His parents were Afghan.

  4. Looking at the No ban protest wall it is clear these people have no clue about Trump's executive order. They actually believe Trump is banning all immigrants when in fact the order was 7 countries and temporary until a better vetting system could be put in place, Obama did the exact same thing without issue. With all the information available these days it's shocking these people are so ill informed.

  5. 1106 you have no point. The point of the article is about the ignorance meaning your non-point is the point of the ignorance it refers to!

  6. A full ban would be better because people like 1106 would be satiated. Can't understand why people don't see the danger but it might have something to do with the media's under-reporting or not reporting just how many attacks have been successful.


  7. The President's EO is and was completely legal, despite some minor 'technical' issues that may have followed its implementation. The MSM is actively in the Blue camp 24/7 and prepared to criticize any and all details it can gin up, no matter how inconsequential.

    The EO was temporary in its language to provide a buffer while the new administration got seated and got its arms around what it perceived as maladministration by Obama.

    It was necessary to fire the Acting AG because of her insubordination on this matter. When the Democrat AGs of WA and MN went judge shopping they found one who issued a flimsy TRO against the EO. The president was ill served by uninspired and ill prepared holdover attorneys in both the district and appeals venues. Better counsel for him had to step aside after lawyers for firms they worked for previously filed amicus briefs on behalf of the plaintiffs.

    IIRC the president has several options: Appeal for an en banc hearing in 9th Circuit (a larger panel of judges that would include some who sat on the appeal); Appeal to the Supreme Court since there are now two conflicting district court decisions (Boston upheld the EO); or let the matter rest while 1) preparing a better drafted EO that side steps the points that led to the initial suit and 2) getting the Supreme Court nominee confirmed and sworn in.

    The President now has a capable Attorney General in place and he can marshal DOJ resources to support the forthcoming EO successfully.

  8. Actually, if he signs the new EO he's been talking about, it nullifies all court cases against the old one. They will either have to refile or lump it. With Soros footing the bill, chances are they will refile but this time, they will not be able to prevail. Just wasting taxpayers' money for people who aren't covered under the US Constitution in the first place. Liberal Logic at its finest.

  9. Trump 2017 my President! And proud of it.

  10. See article above I posted on the Alt-Left trying to make America ungovernable. It contains much truth in it from a very reliable source. The mask of deception is quickly being ripped away exposing the face of true fascism that espouses from the Left. Their on-going war will soon be the demise of their party and they'll be left with no other options but to go by way of the Whigs. Such a day will be a delight to many.

  11. When I see the picture of those two terrorists I read pure evil in their eyes. Empty Sharks eyes.

  12. Wonder where are the loons? Can't fight an argument that's fact-based. Sad. The Left can't justify their BS when they're faced with the cold hard truth. Idiots.

  13. 11:06 The writer isn't claiming she was from syria. Look at the quotes. He is saying that "someone doesn't make a ripple in the pond, then we won't know if they're violent..." Syria was mentioned because of poor record keeping.

  14. Molly is a liar. She's standing front and center in the pic with a sign saying the President is a rapist. If she is going so blatantly lie then that means she is lies about everything. I have her number.

  15. But it puts Obama on a pedestal.

  16. everyone that dislikes Trump for wanting to make America safe again need to this summer leave their homes unlocked with windows up and doors open then try going to sleep at night. he is not locking them out he wants to have a better policy in watching who gets in just like you do at your home.

  17. To the idiots with stupid signs like taking 10,000 refugees for Trump. You are a Freaking LOW LIFE IDIOT!! No to mention a Traitor.

    Have you Freaking Idiots forgotten about 9/11, Benghazi and other attacks on Americans. What about Nick Berg? You don't even know who that is do you?

  18. Anonymous said...
    VET all snowflakes.

    February 12, 2017 at 10:24 AM

    Vet everyone running around covering up their faces with masks and hoods. If they have to hide their faces they have something to hide. Police officers, Elected officials and leadership that allows these idiots to run the streets with these masks on prove they can't handle the job and should be removed from their positions!

  19. Is there a state law in Maryland requiring adults to carry ID's at all times?

  20. "Anonymous said...

    "FBI Director James Comey testified in front of Congress, clearly stating there was great difficulty vetting people from places like Syria because of poor record keeping on their keeping as well as if "someone doesn't make a ripple in the pond, then we won't know if they're violent..." This woman show here to the right is a perfect example of his statement and 14 dead people in California can attest she was highly dangerous."Thornton Crowe

    This woman Malik was born in Pakistan and lived most of her life in Saudi Arabia where most of the 9/11 hijackers came from not Syria."

    Duh! Intellectual retardation at it's finest! And you probably think you are "educated" don't you 11:06? Stop fooling yourself. You are nothing more then a product of the dumbed down US "education" system. Can't even comprehend what you read. Thornton didn't say Makik was from Syria. What was said dumbed down ignoramus was that she was an example of Comey's statement that statement being "someone doesn't make a ripple in the pond, then we won't know if they're violent...". This why the need for extreme vetting Genius 11:06. To dig deeper into the backgrounds of those who don't make ripples. Such the geniuses you anti Trump people are.


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