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Thursday, February 02, 2017

I Don't Think The Daily Times Will Be Around Much Longer

Experience it for just 99¢ per week for the first 3 months.

Seize the day.
Every day.

99¢ per week for the first 3 months*

It's a new year full of new opportunities to experience what's 
here, what's now and what's new with 
The Daily Times. Every click or turn of the page 
brings a new discovery in a changing world.
The Daily Times — where arts, food and culture come to life.
99¢ per week for the first 3 months

A Viewer Writes: Salsibury: open up to adventure!
"I think they’re getting desperate. Have not seen an advertisement from them ever before. I guess they want me back.

Ain’t happening!

If I want someone telling me how to think, well, that’s what wives are for."


  1. The DT is our own little version of the MSM, with content bought by local "big" money, purchased daily by readers who don't know any better.

  2. Hate the their USA today insert publishing negative articles about President Trump and cabinet.

  3. Its a good deal if for nothing but the sale ads and the obituaries. And cheaper than toilet paper, to boot.

  4. Good now lets see people stop whatching wboc so yhey can be shut down next

  5. I can't believe Joe Albero is advertising for the Daily Times!

  6. DT is GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT for covering the table when shucking oysters/clams and eatin crabs!!!!!!

    Doesn't exist for anything else!

  7. "If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is there to see it, does it make a sound?"

    "Does a bear poop in the woods?"

    "Daily Times, a true and worthy newspa....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

  8. What you mostly seize is yesterday.

  9. Along with WBOC and WMDT.

  10. I have already experienced it. That experience is why my 99¢ will be staying in my pocket. I advise others to do the same.


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