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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Hillary Campaign Manager Breaks Silence – Reveals the ABSURD Reason Why He Thinks She Lost

Hillary Clinton and her lackeys just cannot stop talking about why they lost the campaign. Yet strangely, they can’t seem to figure out that it was their own fault — a candidate that was fundamentally flawed — and instead are always pointing fingers elsewhere. Former Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook is now floating yet another theory, as ridiculous as every other theory they’ve pushed since losing.

According to Mook, Russia “could have been the reason” Clinton lost. Why? Because so many Democrat e-mail servers were hacked, which made Hillary look bad. And Democrats can’t seem to let go of the idea that Russia was responsible for the hacks, despite a lack of evidence to prove it.

When asked if Russia’s so-called hacking was responsible for the loss, Mook responded, “I think it could have. This is the key, no campaign manager, no campaign manager, no candidate should ever sit at a table likes this on a news program and say, ‘I don’t know. The Russians might have been the reason we lost the election.’ It’s not important whether they were or not. What’s important is that it could have been the reason, and that should never happen again.”

He even went so far as to compare it to the Watergate scandal that killed Richard Nixon’s presidency. “Somebody broke in to the DNC, they didn’t do it physically this time, they did it digitally,” he said. “It’s a foreign country, the president has been lying about it, he lied about whether his staff was talking to Russia, and the more we learn the closer it gets to the president himself and the scarier it gets.”

He’s now calling for an investigation into Russia.



  1. No acknowledgement that their candidate was a liar, murderer, traitor, and career criminal with a load of baggage that was unacceptable to the majority of the country (electoral college folks)! The ones that voted for her popularity were the ones that would continue to get free stuff, had no personal responsibility, or were in the country illegally and managed to vote (yes there's evidence)!

    Now they're getting ready to elect a party chair that will continue the failed agenda...

    "When your enemy is making a mistake, don't stop them!".

  2. Or China. Or North Korea. Or Venezuela. Or maybe Australia. No, Mongolia for sure. Or Libya. It couldn't have been our fault. I know, Colombia! or Canada.

  3. Someone needs to do investigation on him .

  4. Did anybody else notice how the Democrats were the ones who hired the recently unemployed but not yet indicted Muslim hackers starting with DWS? Do 3 (actually 4) Muslim brothers (and 1 wife) make up a Muslim Brotherhood?

  5. I'm astounded that they still will not take public responsibility for their own actions. It's everyone's fault but Hilary's. Even her own staff acknowledged she wasn't likeable, check out the Podesta emails. She was such a poor candidate that every time Trump said or tweeted something which caused an uproar she was unable to capitalize on it. A competent politician with a competent staff should have been able to get someone with her credentials elected.

  6. Uranus is the only real fundamental reason!

    I've never seen a horse so beaten to death, over and over and over again. Astonishing how her name still gets traction, whereas she's out to pasture. Theory this, theory that, she's gone gone folks! Who cares what history will say - ever forward with important issues to face/address.

    Come on now, ONLY 26 days until Spring 2017!!!! (March 21st)

  7. I can't believe he doesn't talk about the crimes that were revealed from the hack. Clinton and her criminal empire honestly believe they are above the law and probably are but at least stop rubbing our noises in it.

  8. The entire (D) machine is curiously silent about the continuing (and new) HRC and Clinton Foundation investigations.

  9. mook


    noun US informal

    a stupid or incompetent person.

  10. These people are so delusional! They can't bring themselves to the fact that Her-Royal-Lieness was the reason she lost. She was a failed candidate and the DNC f'd up assuming she would win with no platform - except more of the same.

  11. Anyone so STUPID as to use a password of "password" never should have been on anyone's election committee.

  12. You know, this is getting comical. This election cycle will go down in history as the bout between the two worst candidates ever. Theirs lost! That is what is so unsettling to them and the bitter pill.

  13. I agree with 8:32 AM. He's defocusing.

  14. Hillary! Listen up! You lost because despite all the voter fraud in your favor, you couldn't overcome how much you SUCK!


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