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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Harriet Tubman memorial park to open in Md

WASHINGTON — Work is nearly complete on a new joint state and national park on Maryland’s Eastern Shore that will honor one of the country’s champions of freedom and human rights.

The Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park, in Dorchester County, is scheduled to open to the public the weekend of March 11. Federal and state officials are expected to gather at the 17-acre park for an opening ceremony on March 10 — the anniversary of Tubman’s death.

The park includes a visitor center, garden and picnic pavilion.



  1. Sick and tired of hearing this bs

  2. I think it's long overdue. One of the greatest and well know legends of the slave era should have had a monument, at least for historical reasons. it's sad that the NAACP or any other black oriented civic organizations have not paid for it before now. All kids learned about Harriet Tubman in US History. Hopefully it will help with some tourism dollars to the Cambridge area.

  3. It'll be spray painted, vandalized and not safe within a couple of months.

  4. I have been by the site and can assure you, it's on the way to nowhere. I mean I was heading to Wingate (Dorchester County) and just happened by. It's past the middle of no where...just keep driving.

    Great idea but I think visitors will be few.

    1. Yes, I thought the same thing. Kind of surprised it's being built so far out there. It'll provide a half dozen full time, well paid gravy jobs for local blacks, and consume a small fortune in utilities.

      This is the kind of pork that should be trimmed right out of the budget.

  5. Commemorating a criminal, and criminal acts. Next in a few years they will be building monuments to the people that burn and riot against Trump.

    1. History judges. What Harriet Tubman did at the time may have been illegal. But that doesn't make it wrong.

  6. What a farce, this woman only went south to retrieve her own family members, she was not the great person the fable writers are making her out to be. What she did was against the law, yet people so stupid are applauding her. This is just as bad as if someone was hiding Illegals in their basement, it is wrong, and against the law.

    1. And just because it's against the law doesn't make it any less the right thing to do. (And that goes for hiding immigrants in your basement)

  7. Didn't want to be harsh but I have a feeling her story has been embellished over the years. I'm not going to research it or visit the place. after all the liars getting exposed in the media and radicals rioting, protesting for things they already have, assaults on police and being called a racist just because your WHITE I now question everything!! I'm just not buying it.

    1. The racism we all have as white folk doesn't make us bad people. Most of the stuff we do is subconscious, we don't even think about it. We just need to get past the idea that "racists are bad, and I'm a good person so I can't do racist things" and we can actually start doing
      something about it. It's what you choose to do with the knowledge you have that matters.


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