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Thursday, February 02, 2017

Florida Mayor to cop: "I didn't know we were serving pig tonight."

STUART — The city is reeling in the wake of a comment from Mayor Eula Clarke, who used the derogatory term "pig" in the presence of a police officer at a local grocery store.

The issue has thrust Stuart into an unwanted spotlight after the comment was widely circulated over the weekend on social media, including comments posted on Clarke's Facebook page. City commissioners said they have received hundreds of emails from across the country, decrying the mayor's remark.

All four of the other commission members have demanded Clark resign from the commission.

Clarke, 59, who is serving her fourth term as commissioner, on Monday declined to say if she will step down.



  1. You can't take the trash out of sone people. She's just common trash.

  2. Worthless piece of crap! She needs to go away and never be heard from again. Her apology is not sincere. Does she think we are dumb? I guesz she does. She would be the first one to complain if any term was used to put down black people. I have zero tolerance for her and all those like her. Hope she never needs the police cause she doesnt deserve their hell ever.

  3. For the last 40-50 years, blacks have been making whites feel guilty about whatever. They convinced the bleeding heart liberals that we owe them something and now are turning them against the police. Obama just accelerated it.

  4. all I know is liberals are bigots and violent group.

  5. The pig in the picture needs to resign, now!

  6. I would say have some class and step down. But i think she has none.

  7. Don't give her the opportunity to leave, fire her nasty self.

  8. Just wait until she calls for police protection or a police escort!

  9. And it she was a white person calling a black person a name, the white person would be MADE to step down...or be fired.

  10. We all know that each morning she cusses every time she looks in the mirror after she sees what is reflected back.


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