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Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Evidence Suggests Trump Lost Popular Vote Due to Fraud

President Trump is right about voter fraud

Those opposing vigorous and truthful examination of voter fraud in the United States are advancing a narrative asserting there is “no proof of voter fraud” in recent years.

This past weekend, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-KY, said on CNN’s “State of the Nation” program that he does not want to spend federal funds to investigate President Trump’s claims of massive voter fraud in the 2016 presidential election because “there’s no evidence that [election fraud] occurred in such a significant number that it could have changed the presidential election.”

While McConnell may be right, there is evidence that would suggest voter fraud prevented Trump from winning the popular vote, as well as the electoral vote.



  1. Which means as we all know Trump won the popular vote...You cannot win the amount he did without the popular vote.

  2. At Sby News it's never over till it's over.Anyone who has the mental capacity to "get it" has already got it.

  3. All conservative Republicans knew that the Democrats always rigged the elections. Also that they encouraged illegals to vote along with dead people. It was very obvious that that is the reason the Democrats always hollered foul when voter fraud was brought up. And why they always insisted it wasn't happening. We knew this was the case when Obama stole two elections and why people were so surprised when Hillary lost. Even with all the illegal votes Hillary got she still lost the election. That just goes to show how much Trump overcame to win. This says a lot for President Trump and I hope it will keep the lying snowflakes and liberals from saying that he didn't win the popular vote. It is well known about liberal Democrats that if their lips are moving they are lying.

  4. It's a given that was the case. Democrats were all excited when Bob Creamer was exposed by Project Veritas over the summer. The video series was featured here. Creamer and his agents were proud of their voter fraud actions and didn't apologize for them. Democrats and MSM are now walking back their hard stance on voter fraud because Trump Administration will be investigating. While the PV videos are inadmissible, they still provide trails to gather evidence that is.

    California has more than enough illegal aliens who were granted Drivers licenses which includes an easy path to voter registry, to more than make up the supposed lead Clinton had. People need to wake up and realize their fake popular vote meme is just a bunch of cheese puffs.


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