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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Dem Rep Waters: Trump ‘Investigation’ Underway; Evidence Not Required for Impeachment

Monday on CNN’s “Newsroom,” when asked about her comments last week stating that her “greatest desire” would be to impeach President Donald Trump, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said investigations had “already started” and that some of the investigation leads to the “possibility of impeachment.”

Partial transcript as follows:

BALDWIN: You are making news today saying Donald Trump’s actions are leading himself to possible impeachment. Explain to me why you are going there two weeks into his presidency.

WATERS: First of all, just let me say these are not normal times. We have a president who is creating chaos and division. So many questions about his conflict of interest. Lies about whether or not he separated himself from the businesses he claimed he would separate himself from. Not showing his tax returns. Putting his arms around Putin, defending Putin, working with the Kremlin. I want to know, and a lot of people want to know was there collusion between Putin and the Kremlin and this president as they hacked our DNC and our DCCC and some of us. We want to know how deep does that go.



  1. Ok let's say Russians hacked dnc. Let's arrest the people involved in the corruption the hack revealed. clinton got the questions prior to the town hall. Insane to me she isn't getting indicted. Dnc is reaching deep in the closet and pulling out favors or secrets.

  2. She also stated he will be impeached for calling her crooked. The women will say ANYTHING. We now see why the DNC is broken.

  3. This nut Maxine also said Putin invaded Korea.

  4. She wanted to sound intelligent so she called the DCCC the D Triple C.

  5. If by some remote chance Trump was impeached , this lady couldn't find a spot to hide . I'm talking about all out war in the U.S. caused by the left wing liberal and the media , would that make good news in MSM without any towers left to signal tv and radio. Please give it a rest and get the facts if there are any.

  6. She got one sentence right when she said we have a president who is creating chaos and division. Just not the right president. Guess she was refering yo bama.

  7. Another gooney Californian. Someone should medicate her.

  8. It's very sad (and telling) that when hillary was taking millions in "contributions" and everyone but her said they were bribes (and since losing the election, those "contributions" have totally dried up -- they aren't too worried anymore about "the children", huh??), not a single liberal wnated to know anything.
    It's called a credibility issue.
    Or fake news.
    Or fake outrage.
    From fake politicians and proven liars.
    And proven thieves.
    Keep cheering.

  9. Mental illness is at crisis levels now.

  10. In the democratic party mental illness has always been at crisis levels.

  11. If she and the dems want a war BRING IT ON.

  12. Maxine is 78. If one takes the combined age of Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein, Waters, Cummings, and John Lewis it is older than Methuselah. DNC needs some fresh blood and an end to moonbats as spokespersons. Someone should tell her/them they are embarrassing themselves.

  13. Dave T: Another scumbag politician talking smack.

  14. An impeachment trial where "evidence not required". Trials without evidence are just monkey courts. My God that woman has got to be mentally ill, or incredibly stupid to make such a comment. She must be related to Nancy "you have to vote for the bill to see what's in the bill" Pelosi. What's up with these women democrats anyway? Do they really have supporters of them and their inane comments?


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