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Saturday, February 04, 2017

Comcast Executives Push Employees To Protest Trump’s Immigration Reform

NBC’s corporate parent, Comcast, is joining the corporate backlash against President Donald Trump’s popular immigration reform, partly prodded by the company’s Indian-born Chief Technology Officer, Sree Kotay.

The company provided employers at its Philadelphia headquarters time off on Thursday to protest Trump’s popular policy, which is designed to reduce the inflow of costly refugees and to exclude migrants carrying “hostile attitudes.” Company protests were also expected in Washington D.C., New York and California.

Trump’s new policy seeks to exclude people who:

do not support the Constitution, or those who would place violent ideologies over American law … those who engage in acts of bigotry or hatred (including “honor” killings, other forms of violence against women, or the persecution of those who practice religions different from their own) or those who would oppress Americans of any race, gender, or sexual orientation.

The growing campaign by corporations — including Google, Starbucks, Amazon, Lyft and Netflix — against the newly elected president and his immigration reform is shaped by their bottom-line desire to raise the inflow of immigrant consumers and cheap workers.



  1. Look out comcast. You may be next for a boycott by the American people.

  2. Demand the county allow dual cable companies to operate in our county and stop taking pay offs to allow a cable monopoly is our area.

  3. Makes me glad I have dish

  4. LOL Y'all ain't going to give up cable to protest comcast.

  5. Screw Comcast. Shame on Salisbury and Wicomico County for allowing them to be a monopoly in our area.

  6. Comcast really needs to spend more time trying to straighten out its sorry ass company instead of letting people off to protest

  7. get a firestick with Kodi {you wont regret it} and cancel your cable...you'll need internet tho.....

  8. Hello Dish. Goodbye Comcrap

  9. Get antenna tv works great no bills


  10. Really thankful these companies are self identifying in this fashion. Definitely helping me to decide where to shop and what to buy!


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