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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

College Suspends Student Who Filmed Prof Calling Trump Election "Act of Terrorism"


  1. Typical brain washing through our education system. Every person that went to school and college since the Sixties have been brain washed by public education. This is why we have illiterate college graduates. This is also why the snow flakes today are so liberal and narrow minded. It figures that this liberal college professor is from California the most screwed up state in the U.S. After trashing Trump since he became President, now the California Governor is begging for his help because of the recent flooding there. You can't have it both ways Governor. You are either for us or against us.

  2. Tail wagging the dog.

  3. What an annoying, pathetic whine. It's the teacher who should have been expelled.

  4. Is there a petition to have this person removed? If not, there should be.

  5. thats just wrong, the teacher should have been expelled!

  6. Truth scares the left. period

  7. Libs hate it when the truth gets in the way of their indoctrination.

  8. Wag the Dog - interesting movie that has become reality!

    NO MORE!


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