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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Chicago public schools say they will keep ICE agents out

Chicago Public Schools say they will deny federal immigration agents access to district buildings and personnel unless served with a criminal warrant, the latest in a series of steps taken by US school officials to protect undocumented students.

School districts from Pennsylvania to California have stepped up efforts to allay fear and uncertainty in immigrant communities over Trump administration directives that would significantly expand the power of immigration officers and could set the stage for mass detentions and deportations.

Following a December resolution affirming its commitment to a "safe and welcoming" teaching environment for all students, Chicago Public Schools this week sent a memo to principals who "expressed concern and anxiety" about immigration issues and guidance on handling interactions with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement.



  1. If you dont follow laws you dont get any federal money. Period.

  2. non issue so let's pretend it is quick make a sign.

  3. Just nab them before they enter the building.

  4. They don't have standing to deny entry- it is not private property but a public one- good luck with that.

  5. WE Shall SEE > NO they won't be keeping them OUT > if
    they get stupid > they get Arrested > stay out of the way!!

  6. All who Harbor them should be Deported With them !!!

  7. Is it possible to perform some drone strikes on Chicago?

  8. My God! Is there anything, anything at all, to like about Chicago?


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