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Sunday, February 26, 2017

Black students demand whites be banned from their ‘space’

Author warns 'we're only going to see more efforts like this'

A black student organization at the University of Michigan is demanding that whites be banned from their “space,” insisting that a new $10-million race-centric facility under development isn’t sufficient.

And an author of a new book on how whites are being treated on university and college campuses warns that the future will see more and more such demands.

The College Fix reported the organization, called Students4Justice, is insisting campus officials provide them with “a permanent designated space on central campus for black students and students of color to organize and do social justice work.”

They complain that the university president, Mark Schlissel, hasn’t complied with their orders.

Political correctness is just the beginning. The situation on college campuses is worse than you could ever imagine – and America’s future is at stake. Don’t miss the political blockbuster of 2017 – “No Campus For White Men” by Scott Greer.

“The clamor for a segregated space for students of color to organize social justice efforts comes even as the public university builds a $10 million center for black students in the center of campus,” the report said. “In their demands, students explain why the new black student center is not enough, ‘because we want a space solely dedicated to community organizing and social justice work specifically for people of color.'”



  1. They don't want to be treated differently, yet they act like apes. Tell those college turds to look at any Section 8 housing anywhere in the country, that's what their "safe space" will look like. Then they'll want us to fix that for them too. Typical Turd Liberals, dumb as all h*ll

    1. You have a lot of nerve!!! I bet you won't post your name so that you can be exposed!! I can't believe that racism is displayed so freely!!#

    2. I can't believe the outright racism!!! It's amazing that in 2017 comments of this nature are acceptable.

  2. Who are they to demand special privileges at a College. Especially since they receive tax dollars. Another example of radicalism.

  3. People of color? Wtf. Why arent all those that are slighltly more brown than white people claiming they are half white instead of half black? I challenge them to prove they are 100% black! Almost everyone is of mixed race heritage .... Who agrees with me? Mrs


  4. Open, blatant racism.
    Will it be rewarded and reinforced?

  5. This is absolute RACISM !!!! I pay taxes and will go in any government building that I please... If any group of color does not like it then move to another country!!!!!!

  6. Wait let me get this straight...They want to be segregated??? I thought that is what they fought so hard for...non segregation. Now they changed their minds??

  7. Just wait until they have to get out into the work world and whitey is the boss! Lets see how well they will do when they have to compete for jobs with their racist attitudes!!! I can guarantee you they won't get very far.
    Only thing they will be able to get is to be a career criminal!

  8. I'm not confused....years ago my child received a scholarship sight unseen at UMES. Things were great until we showed up on campus and they learned we were white. They did everything to yank that scholarship back but we covered our tracks so that if they pulled that crap we could scream racism. I could vomit at the treatment we received.

  9. 1:24...totally agree. I contend these people will never be satisfied. They have every thing on a silver platter and of course the dreaded race card and still want more. When is enough enough?

  10. I talked with a young student yesterday , he was a tall muscular young man walking with his girl friend . As he passed I read the back of his shirt , it said " White Lives Matter" , I told him I liked his shirt saying . He said " its time ti rise up , we have had enough BS " . I said you rock . I also said be careful , he said I don't stand alone anymore.

  11. 1:40 My son who is also white, got scholarships and is currently in this junior year there. It depends on the scholarship. His were through Red Man lodge, and other businesses. He has really great professors, but has run into racism from some groups who are really not there to learn but party. He didn't have to share a dorm with another black student, because the people he dormed with didn't want to share a room with a white person. Right now he is living at home with me and driving back and forth to UMES. Because SSU doesn't have the courses he needs and UMES does, he has to go there. Racism can take many forms.

  12. Fine send them all back to Africa

  13. Democrats were responsible for segregation in the first place, Today they act like they're looking out for blacks but have manipulated them into self segregating tricking them into believing it was their idea. I don't agree with Democrats on hardly anything but you have to admire their evil genius.

  14. not racist if they want it. Racist if whites would want it

  15. Let them do that social organizing on their time and dime. If they want for people of color let them do it then sue the University for discrimination!

  16. Dear Students4Justice,

    Should this request/demand be granted, the reply will be that you cannot enter the space of those who are, in your estimation, unlike you in every way and who demand their own space for the same reasons you demand yours.

    Your request/demand stands as antithesis to the diversity seemingly required on every Liberal-oriented college campus. How foolish it seems to demand diversity but, in the same breath, demand what amounts to be a reflection of apartheid.

    The college will allow you to have space to provide for your niche meetings, just as any other organization. But they should not cave in to providing a space where yours is the exclusive color allowed.

  17. BUT BUT BUT Obama is half WHITE LOL.

  18. Most of us don't like that they are here, lets ban them! Separate but equal needs to be brought back.

  19. Taking the RACE CARD away from all of them will FIX many
    problems........time to Take it Away ....long Overdue !!!

    Then all the crying and wining will Stop !!

  20. Funny, fifty years ago, blacks didn't like having separate water fountains. Now they're demanding segregation? Talk about dialing back the clock. What a bunch of morons. They want racial tensions and divides. Chances are, this isn't all blacks, just a militant few who are trying to ruin it for the whole population.

    Should all black people be banned from McDonalds, Panera and the Olive Garden?

  21. Great, that means we have segregration again. Will it still be "white privileged" that caused it?

  22. George Garvin said...
    You have a lot of nerve!!! I bet you won't post your name so that you can be exposed!! I can't believe that racism is displayed so freely!!#
    February 25, 2017 at 5:54 PM

    oh what difference does it make if he, or anyone posts a name? and you just showed why people don't post their names. and I suggest george isn't your real name. and again, even if it is, so what? take your fake outrage with you to church.


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