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Saturday, February 18, 2017

Black Lives Matter Leader: White People Are ‘Sub-Human’, Blacks Can Kill All Whites If They Had The Power To

Everyday Black Lives Matter rears its ugly head, demonstrating to the world how the “movement” that claims its aim is to fight racism, is in fact a bigoted group itself. A leader of the group, Yusra Khogali has some choice words for white people, who she believes are genetically inferior to black people.

In a Facebook post, Black Lives Matter Toronto offshoot co-founder Yusra Khogali went on a rant, arguing that black people are the superior race because white people posses “genetic defects” that make them lesser humans, according to the Toronto Sun.

“Whiteness is not humxness, in fact, white skin is sub-humxn,” she wrote. “All phenotypes exist within the black family and white ppl are a genetic defect of blackness.”

She continued explaining her theory, claiming white people are lesser because “[they] have a higher concentration of enzyme inhibitors that suppress melanin production. They are genetically deficient because melanin is present at the inception of life.”

“Melanin enables black skin to capture light and hold it in its memory mode which reveals that blackness converts light into knowledge. Melanin directly communicates with cosmic energy,” she added.

Khogali then proclaimed: “White ppl are recessive genetic defects. This is factual.”



  1. So having more of something makes whites lesser? Too many enzymes or not, I'm glad to not have sickle cell disease since I'm already sick from seeing this racist crap every day. There is no race superior over another. Each brings its own strengths and weaknesses.

  2. IQ levels prove her wrong but then again IQ level...LOL

  3. Follow the money then lock them up for treason and subversion

  4. In their dreams. Most, not all of them are just too ignorant.

  5. “Melanin enables black skin to capture light and hold it in its memory mode which reveals that blackness converts light into knowledge. Melanin directly communicates with cosmic energy,”

    Sure it does. Just sit tight, ma'am, the medication cart is just outside your door.

  6. Bravo World Grease! You nailed it. Is the White race any less guilty of such false claims? Sadly, no. Until "some are more equal than others" becomes a thing of the past, I fear we'll all join you in being sickened.

  7. And the media hasn't FRIED her over such outrageous and racist remarks?
    Sounds like something Hitler would have said about the Jews.
    I didn't see this on CNN either.

  8. 7:30, This is their leader, LOL!

  9. What amount of Melanin makes you rape rob and murder at higher rates than other's?

  10. you have my permission in fact my command to go eff yourself!

  11. Einstein, Beethoven, Jonas Salk, all totally deficient because lacking melanin. Kill them so the likes of Malcolm Ten can run things. By this scale even Beyonce should be put down because she's mostly white.

  12. So tell me again who the racist are?

  13. Dear Readers,

    It is quite interesting that this individual fails to mention the proper genetic sequencing found in the karyotyping encoded in the base genetic structure, which completely debunks her entire theorem. I am quite surprised that the same main stream media that has crucified just about every conservative has yet to fact check and address this.



  14. Racism on Steroids.


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