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Sunday, February 26, 2017

Bennett - "Culver 87K Blunder": What You Didn't See In Yesterday's Daily Times


  1. Sounds like Bennett owes the difference. Even though it wasn't billed, if they knew the agreed rate, seems to me it's obligated to pay.

  2. 7:00, Actually, it sounds like Council Members are up early this morning reading Salisbury News.

    1. Oh anyone that has knowledge and is correct you put them down ? nice ! I see now how you operate.

  3. Sounds to me like Bennett did all the right things to request the different rate for the condensed product and the Council never disagreed at all. After waiting through the proper request time, the rate went into effect automatically by default.

    Sounds to me like the Council failed to do their jobs.

  4. Bob has employees who should be on top of agreements and billings. When an employee does not do the job correctly of course Bob is the one blamed. What employee in Waste management let this slip through the cracks?

    1. Well thats what happens when you keep cetain people on from the previous admin , Welcome to backstabbing and Culver only has himself to Blame.

    2. Great Comment..

  5. 7:49 - agree. Culver should have cleaned house and brought in his own people. He did not have enough confidence in himself to do that. Sad!

  6. Trump is going through the same thing traitors,leaks,backstabbers,I am a big supporter of you bob but you failed to clean house so deal with it.

  7. Oh a valid counterpoint, must be someone on the inside!

  8. Let me say this, someone dropped the ball. The County Executive has a Staff, a well paid staff. In fact, one is paid a lot more money then he is paid.

    That being said, the Council used the excuse that after 60 days the proposal simply dropped.

    Here's the KEY though.

    If you ever wondered WHY so many businesses have packed up and left Wicomico County, this is why.

    Point fingers all you want. In the end YOU the taxpayer are being punished.

    After you read all of this information in this post, don't you think the Executive and Council should revisit this matter?

    How many times in the past have we seen the Council revisit items. Bennett School comes to mind first.

    We need to encourage businesses, not drive them away. WHY haven't we heard from your Economic Development representatives on this matter? Why didn't the head this?

    I'm not trying to pass the buck but we must retain what we have as well as encourage growth.

    This kind of situation is happening far too often. If the highest paid person in the County cannot manage his job, he needs to step down and let someone else do his job.

    For those of you attacking Weston, (in another Post) he just started for crying out loud. Nevertheless, this wasn't his job anyway. It may now be a part of what he does but he cannot be blamed for something that happened quite some time ago when he's only been on the job 2 weeks.

    1. Am a Bob supporter but why? is he so set against reaching out to solid, skilled business people that simply could not survive with this type of output

  9. I need to add, the Daily Times article was 100% one sided. They never attempted to contact Bennett to get the other side of the story.

    Why some of you pay good hard earned money to purchase that newspaper is beyond me. They have only one agenda, the Liberal agenda.

    1. Maybe because they are Liberal ? duh, and only want one side of there agenda kinda like how sbynews feeds to there one sided agenda.

  10. To 7:15 -- laws don't get changed by "default." The tipping rate is set by law. Council has to pass a bill to change the law and the executive has to sign it. The bill never passed. The executive didn't sign it (or he thought he signed it but didn't pay attention.) The only one who failed to do his job was the executive who doesn't pay attention to what the law is.

    And why should this matter be revisited? It benefited one company and one company only. Can anyone say "crony capitalism"?

  11. 8:54, Why the hell do you think I ever created Salisbury News. It was because the Daily Times would lie and or twist just about everything they could to benefit local government. Am I one sided on most issues, absolutely. I tell the OTHER SIDE.

    8:49, The biggest issue the Daily Times refused to address, because they're so stupid, is the fact that the state of Maryland is demanding a massive increase in recycling materials before 2020.

    The Council and Executive need to make MAJOR changes in policy to achieve the demand from the state.

    Now, the Council can ignore these demands but guess what, the taxpayers will get fined in a very big way, all because some, (if not all involved) dropped the ball.

    So, the choice is yours as taxpayers to decide if this matter should be revisited.

    Do not try to argue with someone who knows the true answers. Now you've been educated.

    1. Your correct they do lie but Dont think the readers who buy it are going to stop reading it you will Never get there viewers so why are you wasting your time and punishing yourself , Move on.

  12. The highest paid person is Wayne Strausburg. Culver said repeatedly he was going to get rid of him and didn't. Things like this are on Culver. There were plenty of others in government employment who wanted to see Culver succeed. He didn't need Strausburg, but kept him knowing what he was - a non-supporting, leaker and underminer. Now, Strausburg is vested and the taxpayers are stuck paying his retirement and health care for life. Not smart Culver - you reap what you sow.

  13. Joe, Bob would have been better off listening more to you and less to his disloyal office staff. No guts, no glory.

  14. You are right, Joe, that the state is increasing its recycling demand. But the county rate is already far above what the state requires. The county also gets credit for any recycling that takes place within its borders, so Bennett's recycling is already counting towards the state mandate. This deal just gave Bennett a break at the landfill for doing what they were already doing. It wasn't making them increase their recycling efforts.

    This had nothing to do with increasing county recycling. It had everything to do with giving one company a break. Maybe you should look into why the executive is trying to give favors to this one company, and then did so even when it was against the law.

  15. Daily Times and WBOC are always right there to attack a local business but local liberal politicians there's no reporting on their nonsense.


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