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Sunday, February 19, 2017

As Seen On Facebook

My thoughts, restaurant closes because of immigrants. Then they open....maybe because of post on facebook. Tomorrow when you are open do I have to worry about my food? Immigrants mad you reopened? Not coming back. My choice.


  1. Losing your $2 tip will break our hearts,LOL.

    1. It's simple...you made your choice. I am taking my hard earned cash and eating where I know they are more interested in serving me than making some goof ball political statement. This is not Greece. This is America.

    2. Yes there are mad not returning. Not very grateful for you 2 dollar tip sound like you were mad before you went out.

  2. It would behoove DP to retire all employees whose allegiance stands with illegal immigration over the employer who feeds their families. Then, when DP can post on FB that all those employees have been replaced with legal, loyal American employees, I'll be able to make them one of my eatery choices again.

    1. It concerns me of one statement about being paid cash to not pay child support and or taxes

  3. They should have fired whoever didn't show up. My friend did. She had an assistant/shampoo girl who thought it would be clever to not show up when scheduled. The next day when she arrived the owner was at the door to hand her a few things she had at the salon and told her she wasn't needed anymore. The girl a Columbian started crying saying but I have a son. My friend said something like should have thought about that before you didn't show up.
    Evidently there is a whole network where they were fired but it's in the shadows due to fear of retaliation from the left.
    The shame is to those who thought using immigrants as political puppets would ever be a good idea. Many are now without jobs and hardly anyone even noticed the walk out. More examples of how the lefts ideas always either flop or come back to hit them in the face.

  4. Most of the Shoreon's won't have any idea about the walkout or the closure. The restaurant will be full Sat night.

  5. This is why now business owners have to hire Americans and not immigrants. Immigrants can not be trusted. Just the fact that by walking out they sought to harm Americans and American business just proves they could care less about this country. They have proven without any doubts they are not our friend. Anyone seeking to harm this country in any way is not needed in this country. Show them their irresponsible and hateful actions will not be tolerated and we have the power to bring them to their knees and not the other way around!

  6. Any restaurant that showed such blatant disrespect for American immigration laws will not see a dollar of mine.

    1. Someone needs to compile a list.

  7. Hello, I'm with ICE and I have seating for 12 waiting in my bus with no waiting...

    1. Where you been for the past 20 yrs. Mr.Ice?
      Never trust the government.

    2. Previous POS OF US would not let them do anything...

  8. It's the immigrant employees that I worry about now. They sought to hurt the country and it's citizens! They did most certainly show their true colors. Anyone who wants to hurt us should not be welcomed.
    They are not the good people they pretend to be. They can all go to hell as far as I am concerned and I never felt this way in my life.

    1. If they sought to hurt the people of this country, what do you think they'll do to the people in the restaurant with the food they prepare? How does spit taste?

  9. 2 dollar tips by 100 people you will miss...I won't give the opportunity to taint my food.

  10. Look the people that own that place didn't have anything to do with their employees not showing up for those of you who think everyone on the Eastern shore is ignorant maybe take a step back and realize that if you had an actual job or should I say business that you own you would understand you can't make your employees do anything I support Delmar pizza and everything they stand for and everything they do for the community Not just Delmar alone either. Yes I am disappointed that they have employees there they chose not to show up for work and I do agree maybe they should not have their job anymore they should find another one somewhere but to blame the restaurant itself or the owners that's just not right

    1. What a load of crap. If they cared about serving their customer's they would have done thw work themselves. Done with DP!!

    2. You act as if the employer has no say-so in this matter. The employer can redeem themselves if they fire these employees who, walked out the day before. These employees who didn't come to work can't be trusted, they will probably spit in your food.

    3. They should hire better.
      They have criminals working for them.
      They are criminal also for hiring them

    4. I wouldn't be criminally negligent and hire lawbreakers..

  11. If Americans were not getting full government benefits for doing nothing they would be glad to fill these jobs. My question is why do businesses hire illegals anyway. That is exactly why we need E-verify.

    1. They hire them because they are cheap pay.

  12. Yes that is understood by most that the owners had nothing to do with the walk out. But the question remains what do they intend to do about the employees who walked out? Those employees proved they do not like us. They seek to harm us. In a food establishment knowing that the employees do not like this country or it's people is distressing.
    BTW just because people walked out does not mean they were illegal.
    The whole idea was to show that legal immigrants are needed in the country and if not for them the economy would be in a shambles.
    The left has twisted President Trump anti illegal stance into he is completely against immigration. So please get the idea that this business or any who closed supports illegals. We can't be like them and twisting the truth.

  13. Anonymous 8:46, the owners did have something to do with it. They made the decision to hire illegal aliens in order to save on labor costs and make more profit. So yes they did have something to do with it.

  14. 8:46, absolutely correct! 8:48, the immigrants who didn't show up may have been legal; nobody said they were here illegally.

    They just showed everyone where their Allegiance lies, and it's obviously NOT with America NOR the restaurant that feeds them. I don't want their special sauce, either. They need to be replaced.

  15. Their pizza is NASTY!
    Their workers do not use sanitary gloves, and I betcha they don't wash their hands - especially after they use the restroom.

  16. Why a business would jeopardize their future business?

  17. Encountered a spot on rt.24 on 16th.
    They were closed. Wont spend a dime in there again..

  18. Let's compile a list of the businesses that closed that day.
    I'd prefer not to give my money to CRIMINALS...

  19. I will never step foot in hobby lobby or buy crappy food from chick fillet. My money will go to local business in Salisbury. I will not support born again bigots who use Christianity to run their business. I am not a liberal, voted for our republican governor and am an Independent

  20. Do a better job of serving and get a bigger tip....A tip is not mandatory, it is earned by providing good service. So suck it up and do a better job!

  21. 8:48 has a great point! If the federal government:
    1. Cut section 8 housing vouchers in half and tied a work requirement to them.
    2. Cut welfare benefits by not allowing more money for more kids.
    3. Make welfare benefits means tested (iphone, bling rims/car, 50"tv)
    4. Time limited welfare benefits.
    5. Mandated E-Verify for all employment.

    We would have fewer drawing off the government tiddies and more Americans employed!

  22. Don't whine about jobs after you force another business to close. SMH

  23. I worry about my food at all restaurants. You never really know where the haters and those who would cause you harm may work

  24. Okay once and for all in order to not come across like THEM- liars and low information I must say this. The walk out had NOTHING to do with illegals. It was called A Day Without Immigrants. It was done to try and prove this country could not function without immigrants. Again it had nothing to do with illegals so stop saying this or that business hires or even supports illegals! Again we are better then THEM and will not spread false narratives!

    1. But we survived without them for that day! Soooooo...

  25. "Anonymous said...

    I will never step foot in hobby lobby or buy crappy food from chick fillet. My money will go to local business in Salisbury. I will not support born again bigots who use Christianity to run their business. I am not a liberal, voted for our republican governor and am an Independent

    February 18, 2017 at 10:13 AM"

    We don't want you in hobby lobby or chick fillet. We need our "safe spaces" too! We don't want your type fouling our air with your lies about bigotry. So you got it! Keep your lying nasty arse out of both Hobby Lobby and Chick Fillet! Liars like you are below us and therefore not wanted nor deserve to be in our midst.

  26. Their pizza crust tastes like cheap bread toasted, no flavor to the sauce, and cheap meat ingredients. Their pastas are mushy, over salty and way too greasy sauces, and over all just weird tasting. The clubs and subs use cheapest quality deli meats, just nothing there is edible! Nasty food, prepared by nasty illegals who hang out around back of the restaurant and probably never wash their hands.

    Sorry, it's not worth getting sick over nasty inedible cheap food.

    Until someone tells me they've started using quality ingredients, prepared by legal immigrants or americans, i'm done!

  27. Don't eat at delmar pizza i had a bad dose of food poisoning due to the pizza , or maybe unskilled illegal's working the kitchen.

    1. I got food poisoning from delmar pizza also!!!

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Most of the Shoreon's won't have any idea about the walkout or the closure. The restaurant will be full Sat night.

    February 18, 2017 at 8:14 AM

    I can't wait to see your kind hanging from street lights.

  29. 10:42

    ID should be required to use food stamps (EBT CARD) at the time of purchase. This way, they can't sell the cards for 50 cents on the dollar.

  30. 2:59
    I doubt anyone that is buying food stamps illegally for 50 cents on the dollar is worrying about asking for ID. The person selling the food stamps just wants the cash.


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