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Monday, February 27, 2017

Arizona Senate Votes To Take Property From Protesters If Demonstration Turns Violent

The Arizona Senate approved a bill Wednesday that makes organizing or merely participating in a protest that ends up violent, regardless of who perpetrated the violence, an offense that could lead to the seizure of property.

The measure would essentially mandate that anyone involved in a protest in which others ultimately engage in violence can be charged with criminal conspiracy or racketeering, according to U.S. News & World Report.

The bill reads:

A person commits riot if, with two or more other persons acting together, such person recklessly uses force or violence or threatens to use force or violence, if such threat is accompanied by immediate power of execution, which either disturbs the public peace or results in damage to the property of another person.



  1. It's happening, they're violating our most basic rights.

  2. It's tough to take property from people who don't have any.

  3. Another way to take your rights, yet you fat stupid lazy clowns can't see it, don't want to hear it and won't do anything about it until it affects you and the it will be to late...

  4. You can take their welfare.

  5. I have a problem with this. You have a right under the constitution to freely assemble and address grievances with your government. A renter or poor person has nothing to loose, but a property owner like me who may have dog in the fight looses everything as if I was a drug dealer!

    This is very scary, and every American citizen should be concerned about this. Guilt by association if you attend a protest and do nothing else but protest as your constitutional right to assemble. I may not agree with liberals, but I would defend their right of assemble even if I totally disagree with them.

  6. Then you can buy 6 Harley's.

  7. Need to take John McCain property!

  8. I agree with 1005. It would be better to increase the permit fees and require insurance for organized protests.


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