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Wednesday, February 08, 2017

A Viewer Writes: The Sells Children

Joe, These are the children who's father beat them with a hammer down here in Princess Anne. Their mother died trying to protect them. They were not expected to survive, but God had other plans.

Wicomico Habitat for Humanity is spearheading the project to build a handicap accessible addition to their grandmother's home. She will be their care taker. You can contact Mollie Hillingoss at Habitat for complete details (molly@wicomicohabitat.org, 443-523-5599).


  1. This is so sad. The mother had even gotten a protection order out and as happens time and time again it was meaningless. If I were a local police chief or sheriff I would daily get a list (which in this area can't be many) of all the protective orders issued and have my people on patrol to make it a habit of checking on the people who get them. This may just deter something like this.

  2. Habitat does a lot of good and I have donated time and materials to them over the years but that will stop until they remove the anti American feminists that are spearheading a misguided march against Americans on 2/18/2017.

    1. So your gonna punish these babies? Makes sense. Let them promote what they want its their right as long as they keep on doing for the community who cares? Same for entertainers they can support whatever they want same as we can. And before the snowflake comments start I am a female who is 100% for Trump!!

    2. A group which is community-based to help everyone should stay neutral and let employees/volunteers do as they see fit with out the organization's backing. Their support of this can very well cause someone in need with a different view shy away from asking for help they desperately need!

    3. It's really pitiful that politics has so divided our nation. So I'm guessing if my republican neighbor has a heart attack I'm just supposed to turn a blind eye and offer no help because he is the opposite of me politically.
      How sad our community is. This scenario works both ways by the way. Republican neighbor not helping democratic neighbor.

  3. Buy a gun that is what prevents these crimes. The police can not and will not be everywhere it is not humanly possible.

  4. Not everyone can afford or wants a gun in their household. Stop blaming the victim for not being able to protect herself more. Sad situation. No mercy should be giver to that evil man.

    1. In all honesty even if she had a gun and used it to prevent this awful situation the way the courts are she might be in jail as we speak. Horrible what things have come to.

  5. 1:26 but she'd be alive.

  6. 1:26 I seriously doubt she would have been charged in Somerset and if by the slim chance she was, there isn't a jury in Somerset who would have convicted her. Now in liberal strongholds like Baltimore City she would have been charged and the sympathy for thugs mentality up there probably would have found her guilty.


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