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Monday, February 27, 2017

A Viewer Writes: How you like that parking job?


  1. Obviously their handicap is their ability to park a car. LOL

  2. About normal for that place, it is a Saturn car...

  3. Conform, Obey, Stay in line.

    Who cares. Crap happens.

  4. Obviously this person is visually handicapped, ie he can't see the lines. I will be duly noting his plate number and staying as far away from him as possible!

  5. Entitlement is not selfish. It comes in all shapes, sizes, colors and genders. Break the law, pay the price!

    Fair is Fair!

  6. That's the EBT spot, Don't you know, We work for them !

  7. 9:47 AM break the law? what law? parked outside the lines law?

  8. Can't tell if the car has a handicapped sticker.

    If not, then they shouldn't have parked (half way) in the spot. No sticker, shouldn't be parked there, then pay the ticket!!!

    1. no, but it has a Obama sticker for 2008 and 2012...

  9. The real losers are the lazy dirt bags who park against the buildings in the fire lanes. This area is clearly marked with multiple signs stating that it is prohibited to park there.

  10. The sign says it all.

  11. If your that handicapped you shouldn't be driving...if your that lazy of an ass than you shouldn't be driving.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Can't tell if the car has a handicapped sticker.

    If not, then they shouldn't have parked (half way) in the spot. No sticker, shouldn't be parked there, then pay the ticket!!!

    February 27, 2017 at 11:33 AM

    It didn't

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:47 AM break the law? what law? parked outside the lines law?

    February 27, 2017 at 10:21 AM

    Sec. 26-127.04. - Stopping, standing, or parking prohibited in specified places.

    Not wholly within a designated parking space, or within two (2) feet of the front or rear bumper of another vehicle parked at or parallel to the curb;

    Yes 947, the parking outside the lines law.

  14. Blogger George Garvin said...
    People like you are pathetic!!!

    February 27, 2017 at 8:12 PM

    which people are you referring to?

  15. Be funny if someone jammed into the spot so they couldn't get out of the parking place , or run a couple of the handicap scooters right up to the drivers door and leave with the keys


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