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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

A Comment Worthy Of A Post

Anonymous said...
I am an older gay male. It's idiots like this that make my blood boil. It was my generation of gay men who had to endure bashings and yes...even shootings. We lived in closets while other minorities staged civil rights marches and some even burned cities. It was us who paved the way and broke ground so the rest of the community could thrive. And yes I to am a conservative. I voted for Trump. I wake up every morning thanking God that he is our president. Not just my president but the president of our entire nation. It is because of this type of attitude that I will march this coming Saturday as a proud supporter of President Trump. Snowflakes like Skylar Barker-Jordan can kiss my lily white ass. It was because of my suffering that he is able to openly write trash like this. And as far as Jim Ireton goes. He is just as bad as Barker-Jordan. Ireton does not speak for me.


  1. 2:45 Good for you and I'm glad to read your words. Your personal life style is just that, yours....being conservative has no barriers and no one should be labeled based on someone else's BS opinion.

  2. This is the equivalent of going "Look look I'm not racist I have a black friend!"

  3. I'm a straight, Christian male. Although I don't agree with your 'lifestyle' choice, I respect and appreciate your candor and approach on this subject.

    There are many with whom I disagree these days-- the liberal leftists who are clearly not put together right, as well as the 'snowflakes' who are mainly a product of really stupid parenting.

    Though I disagree with what they are advocating, I try to remember that they also disagree with me, and that we BOTH are sincere in what we believe, whether it's right or wrong.

    I try to give them that credit and it helps me to be more kind and compassionate with them, and less judgmental.

    "Sincerely-held beliefs".

    Now if we can just get them to think things through a little more...

  4. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and for spitting out the liberal Koolaid. As a Christian, I have learned to accept others views on homosexuality and respect when gay men like you don't push your lifestyle on others, as I don't on you. We're all Gods children. Thank you for your post. It is a welcomed way to share ideas, even when they differ from others.

  5. Thanks for supporting Trump Chief Hoppes.

    1. I think that was written by munchkin Gladwell

  6. If you are a conservative as you state, then you didn't break any ground or pave any way. You walked through history on the backs of those who did. The black community has a name they call sell-outs in their community, they call them Uncle Toms. Well gay folks have a name for sell-outs like you. We call them "Aunt Nancy". What you say you fought for is the very thing you are denying to those who came after you. For you to even foster the idea that you are some kind of gay rights advocate is to belittle the true heroes and heroines who did the work for you so you could turn around a stab them in the back. There are young LGBT people who have committed suicide because of conservative philosophies in their families and communities. The deaths of those kids is on your shoulders and those of your ilk. Be proud. Be very proud. The view from the gutter must be incredible.

    1. That's quite the charge, Mr. Taylor! This world is about to implode because of polar thinking like this. The man is saying that he is frustrated for being labeled because of his sexuality. Because he is gay, he is expected to vote a certain way?
      Conservatism didn't drive people to suicide, intolerant people making lonely people feel hopeless did.
      "Uncle Tom" and "Aunt Nancy"... I was taught a long time ago not to name call. My priest teaches us to find what we have in common, not what separates us.


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