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Thursday, January 05, 2017

Woman kills home invader with gun perched on Bible

'I was just hoping he wouldn't see it'

A violent home invasion came to an abrupt and deadly end when the female victim grabbed the loaded gun she kept perched on top of her Bible – and shot her attacker dead.

Kay Dickinson of Wilmington, North Carolina, had no sooner turned the key in the lock of her front door after returning home from work late Monday, when she was grabbed from behind and forced into her apartment by a man threatening her with a gun.



  1. You go girl. Glad your safe. Guess he got out of prison for good behavior,huh?

  2. Good
    The lord was on her side.

  3. Good for her. Thanks be to God.

  4. Nice uplifting news.Nice shooting granny.

  5. And now she could be facing charges? No way that should happen.

  6. "racked up more than a dozen convictions between 1998 and 2002, including second-degree burglary, possession of stolen goods, larceny, breaking and entering vehicles and assault on a public official" Are you kidding me? Why was this slime-ball thug back out on the street to terrorize law abiding citizens? The Parole Board, some judge(s), possibly a D.A. or two, should all be held accountable. In the meantime, it took an armed citizen, would be victim, to administer the best justice: Room Temperature for you buddy! And she'd never shot the gun before, and nailed him with one shot! Sweet!

  7. If more of this happened and the victim could take control might deter some criminals to pause and think it could happen to me. Perfect outcome.


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