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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Whoa! Listen to her sing The National Anthem!


  1. Nice "artist rendition" of our National Anthem. Stick to the music and words as written, not your version. Better yet get a record of how it was sung during WWII. It's a disgrace to hear what some of these "singers" are doing during NFL games.

  2. 717 yeah thats some freedom for ya. "Sing it my way or else"

  3. I thought is was Michelle Obama, at first. Then I realized she doesn't like America, and probably doesn't even know the words to our national anthem.

  4. she better hide before blm gives her the beatdown!

  5. Thank you, that was very nicely done, Ma'm.

  6. Get her for the super bowl or World Series. Absolutely moved me. Proud to be an American. The voice, the setting, the patriotism and her very proud family. Well done.


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