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Sunday, January 15, 2017

WBOC Shoving Fake News Down Our Throats This Morning 1-11-17

While WBOC openly admits and even states in their broadcast, "UNVERIFIED" Russian hack, how is this news at all? Doesn't the Main Stream Media have to follow their own PROTOCOL to deliver factual, verified, fair and balanced news?


  1. So the word is that someone planted the story knowing it was fake and our great intelligence agencies took the bate. anything to destroy trump. we really are acting like a bunch of children. I hope and pray that Donald can straighten this country out.

  2. Trump needs to add them to the lawsuit.

  3. If the Senate subcommittees are any vision of the next 4 or 8 years...we need LOTS of praying!

    Sad part, only folks as old/interested in it as me are watching. The CON in Congress is deeply disturbing!

  4. You poor snowflakes.

  5. Thanks 8:13 me too.

  6. WBOC has to follow the networks..I'm sure some people there find it reprehensible but they are part of the network..I'm sick of the "hack ruined the election" story..no russians ended anyone to put on thier shoes and vote..and most of the stuff that wikileaks put out was real info that the DNC didn't want publicised.

  7. FOX is the best to watch.

  8. Jimmy Hoppa made the statement that Merell Streep stole the show at the Golden Globe Award.

    1. Thats his opinion and he s entitled to it. What makes his opinion wrong and yours right, vice versa

  9. McCain sent the memo to the FBI and backstabbed trump.

  10. Fake news
    Fake weather.

  11. Stopped watching WBOC months ago along with Daily Times,both propaganda outlets for the democrats.

  12. 8:58AM

    Jimmy Hoppa reminds me of a comedian. Its like he is trying to make everything he says as funny.

  13. Tut tut john McCain for spreading this lie i hope trump goes after u

  14. If this was real it would have been out during the campaign. Rinos/Democrats grasping at straws. Limbaugh said yesterday that the democrats have not been this angry since Lincoln freed the slaves.

  15. Trump sue

  16. W ho
    B uys
    O ur
    C rap.

  17. Q: Doesn't the Main Stream Media have to follow their own PROTOCOL to deliver factual, verified, fair and balanced news?
    A: Only when it follows their narrative.

  18. So this is horrible, but the notion that Hillary and Podesta had a child sex slave rings in a DC pizzeria, *that's* OK with you?

    1. That was based on insane misreadings of stolen emails. These allegations come from a handful of independent hired guns/ex-intelligence people, and were apparently plausible enough they were summarized for congressmen, the president, and the president-elect himself. Little bit of a difference there, you nutjob.

  19. No different than a Wikileaks dump fellas, only difference is this intel wasn't obtained via Russian agents. Hence it hurts Trump. Have fun with your perverted orange bloat of a ruler

  20. I've noticed a change in Dan Satterfield since the snow storm. No longer smiles much, is very direct and to the point on his weather forecasts. I wonder if he got written up by management on his reporting style?
    I noticed a damage control commercial the other night telling us they are the most trusted news and weather source! How they got it right with the weather forecast and how Dan was out there in the weather keeping us informed!!! I was eating dinner and had to go outside to throw up!!!

  21. MSM has been dying a slow death for years. Most get their news from the internet and social media.

  22. CNN = Clinton News Network

    Don't forget it !!!


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